Thursday, December 26, 2019

Scopes Trial Creationism vs Evolution in Public School

The Scopes Monkey Trial (official name is State of Tennessee v John Thomas Scopes) began on July 10, 1925, in Dayton, Tennessee. On trial was science teacher John T. Scopes, charged with violating the Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of evolution in Tennessee public schools. Known in its day as the trial of the century, the Scopes Trial pitted two famous lawyers against one another: Beloved orator and three-time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan for the prosecution and renowned trial attorney Clarence Darrow for the defense. On July 21, Scopes was found guilty and fined $100, but the fine was revoked a year later during the appeal to the Tennessee Supreme Court.  As the first trial was broadcast live on radio in the United States, the Scopes trial brought widespread attention to the controversy over creationism versus evolution.   Darwins Theory and the Butler Act Controversy had long surrounded Charles Darwins The Origin of Species (first published in 1859) and his later book, The Descent of Man (1871). Religious groups condemned the books, in which Darwin theorized that humans and apes had evolved, over millennia, from a common ancestor. In the decades following the publication of Darwins books, however, the theory came to be accepted and evolution was taught in most biology classes by the early 20th century. But by the 1920s, partly in response to the perceived loosening of social mores in the United States, many Southern fundamentalists (who interpreted the Bible literally) sought a return to traditional values. These fundamentalists led the charge against teaching evolution in the schools, culminating in the passage of the Butler Act in Tennessee in March 1925. The Butler Act prohibited the teaching of any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), created in 1920 to uphold the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens, sought to challenge the Butler Act by setting up a test case. In initiating a test case, the ACLU did not wait for someone to break the law; instead, they set out to find someone willing to break the law expressly for the purpose of challenging it. Through a newspaper ad, the ACLU found John T. Scopes, a 24-year-old football coach and high school science teacher at Rhea County Central High School in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee. Arrest of John T. Scopes The citizens of Dayton were not merely trying to protect biblical teachings with their arrest of Scopes; they had other motives as well. Prominent Dayton leaders and businessmen believed that the ensuing legal proceedings would draw attention to their little town and provide a boost to its economy. These businessmen had alerted Scopes to the ad placed by the ACLU and convinced him to stand trial. Scopes, in fact, usually taught math and chemistry, but had substituted for the regular biology teacher earlier that spring. He was not entirely certain that he had even taught evolution but agreed to be arrested. The ACLU was notified of the plan, and Scopes was arrested for violating the Butler Act on May 7, 1925. Scopes appeared before the Rhea County justice of the peace on May 9, 1925, and was formally charged with having violated the Butler Act—a misdemeanor. He was released on bond, paid for by local businessmen. The ACLU had also promised Scopes legal and financial assistance. A Legal Dream Team Both the prosecution and the defense secured attorneys that would be certain to attract news media to the case. William Jennings Bryan—a well-known orator, secretary of state under Woodrow Wilson, and three-time presidential candidate—would head the prosecution, while prominent defense attorney Clarence Darrow would lead the defense. Although politically liberal, 65-year-old Bryan nonetheless held conservative views when it came to religion. As an anti-evolution activist, he welcomed the opportunity to serve as prosecutor. Arriving in Dayton a few days before the trial, Bryan drew the attention of onlookers as he strolled through town sporting a white pith helmet and waving a palm-leaf fan to ward off the 90-plus degree heat. An atheist, 68-year-old  Darrow offered to defend Scopes free of charge, an offer that he had never made to anyone before and would never make again during his career. Known to prefer unusual cases, he had previously represented union activist Eugene Debs, as well as notorious admitted murderers Leopold and Loeb. Darrow opposed the fundamentalist movement, which he believed was a threat to the education of American youth. Another celebrity of sorts acquired a seat at the Scopes Trial—Baltimore Sun columnist and cultural critic H.L. Mencken, known nationally for his sarcasm and biting wit. It was Mencken who dubbed the proceedings The Monkey Trial. The small town was soon besieged with visitors, including church leaders, street performers, hot dog vendors, Bible peddlers, and members of the press. Monkey-themed memorabilia was sold on the streets and in shops. In an effort to attract business, the enterprising owner of the local drugstore sold simian sodas and brought in a trained chimp dressed in a little suit and bow tie. Both visitors and residents alike remarked on the carnival-like atmosphere in Dayton. State of Tennessee v John Thomas Scopes Begins The trial began at the Rhea County courthouse on Friday, July 10, 1925, in a sweltering second-floor courtroom packed with more than 400 observers. Darrow was astonished that the session began with a minister reading a prayer, especially given that the case featured a conflict between science and religion. He objected but was overruled. A compromise was struck, in which fundamentalist and non-fundamentalist clergy would alternate reading the prayer each day. The first day of the trial was spent selecting the jury and was followed by a weekend recess. The next two days involved debate between the defense and prosecution as to whether the Butler Act was unconstitutional, which would thereby place doubt on the validity of Scopes indictment. The prosecution made its case that the taxpayers—who funded public schools—had every right to help determine what was taught in those schools. They expressed that right, argued the prosecution, by electing legislators who made the laws governing what was taught. Darrow and his team pointed out that the law gave preference to one religion (Christianity) over any other, and allowed one particular sect of Christians—fundamentalists—to limit the rights of all others. He believed that the law would set a dangerous precedent. On Wednesday, the fourth day of the trial, Judge John Raulston denied the defenses motion to quash (nullify) the indictment. Kangaroo Court On July 15, Scopes entered his plea of not guilty. After both sides gave opening arguments, the prosecution went first in presenting its case. Bryans team set out to prove that Scopes had indeed violated Tennessee law by teaching evolution. Witnesses for the prosecution included the county school superintendent, who confirmed that Scopes had taught evolution out of A Civic Biology, the state-sponsored textbook cited in the case. Two students also testified that they had been taught evolution by Scopes. Under cross-examination by Darrow, the boys conceded that they had suffered no harm from the instruction, nor had either left his church because of it. After only three hours, the state rested its case. The defense maintained that science and religion were two different disciplines and should thus be kept separate. Their presentation began with the expert testimony of zoologist Maynard Metcalf. But because the prosecution objected to the use of expert testimony, the judge took the unusual step of hearing the testimony without the jury present. Metcalf explained that nearly all of the prominent scientists he knew agreed that evolution was a fact, not merely a theory. At Bryans urging, however, the judge ruled that none of the remaining eight expert witnesses be allowed to testify. Angered by that ruling, Darrow made a sarcastic comment to the judge. Darrow was hit with a contempt citation, which the judge later dropped after Darrow apologized to him. On July 20, the court proceedings were moved outside to the courtyard, due to the judges concern that the courtrooms floor might collapse from the weight of hundreds of spectators. Cross-Examination of William Jennings Bryan Unable to call any of his expert witnesses to testify for the defense, Darrow made the highly unusual decision to call prosecutor William Jennings Bryan to testify. Surprisingly—and against the advice of his colleagues—Bryan agreed to do so. Once again, the judge inexplicably ordered the jury to leave during the testimony. Darrow questioned Bryan on various biblical details, including whether he thought the Earth had been created in six days. Bryan responded that he didnt believe it was actually six 24-hour days. Spectators in the courtroom gasped—if the Bible were not to be taken literally, that might open the door for the concept of evolution. An emotional Bryan insisted that Darrows only purpose in questioning him was to ridicule those who believed in the Bible and to make them appear foolish. Darrow replied that he was, in fact, trying to keep bigots and ignoramuses from being in charge of educating the youth of America. Upon further questioning, Bryan seemed uncertain and contradicted himself several times. The cross-examination soon turned into a shouting match between the two men, with Darrow emerging as the apparent victor. Bryan had been coerced into admitting—more than once—that he did not take the Bibles story of creation literally. The judge called for an end to the proceedings and later ordered that Bryans testimony be stricken from the record. The trial was over; now the jury—which had missed key parts of the trial—would decide. John Scopes, largely ignored for the duration of the trial, had not been called to testify on his own behalf. Verdict On the morning of Tuesday, July 21, Darrow asked to address the jury before they left to deliberate. Fearing that a not guilty verdict would rob his team of the chance to file an appeal (another opportunity to fight the Butler Act), he actually asked the jury to find Scopes guilty. After only nine minutes of deliberation, the jury did just that. With Scopes having been found guilty, Judge Raulston imposed a fine of $100. Scopes came forward and politely told the judge that he would continue to oppose the Butler Act, which he believed interfered with academic freedom; he also protested the fine as unjust. A motion was made to appeal the case and was granted. Aftermath Five days after the trial ended, the great orator and statesman, William Jennings Bryan, still in Dayton, died at the age of 65. Many said he died of a broken heart after his testimony had cast doubt upon his fundamentalist beliefs, but he had actually died of a stroke likely brought on by diabetes. A year later, Scopes case was brought before the Tennessee Supreme Court, which upheld the constitutionality of the Butler Act. Ironically, the court overturned Judge Raulstons ruling, citing a technicality that only a jury—not a judge—could impose a fine greater than $50. John Scopes returned to college and studied to become a geologist. He worked in the oil industry and never taught high school again. Scopes died in 1970 at the age of 70. Clarence Darrow returned to his law practice, where he worked on several more high-profile cases. He published a successful autobiography in 1932 and died of heart disease in 1938 at the age of 80. A fictionalized version of the Scopes Trial, Inherit the Wind, was made into a play in 1955 and a well-received movie in 1960. The Butler Act remained on the books until 1967, when it was repealed. Anti-evolution statutes were ruled unconstitutional in 1968 by the U.S. Supreme Court in Epperson v Arkansas. The debate between creationist and evolutionary proponents, however, continues to this day, when battles are still being fought over the content in science textbooks and school curricula.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Women Have the Right to Abortion - 1833 Words

The issue of abortion has always been a controversial one for citizens of the United States. Abortion is the practice of terminating a pregnancy after the embryo has been planted in the uterus (Abortion). An individual’s stance on this controversial issue categorizes them into one of two very different groups. An individual who feels that a woman should not have an abortion- due to moral or religious views- is said to be â€Å"pro-life†. Coincidently, those who feel that a woman should have the right to choose abortion are said to be â€Å"pro-choice†. â€Å"Pro-life† supporters point to the practice of abortion as an immoral one. Supporters state abortion is immoral because it takes away the rights of the unborn fetus, since activists consider human†¦show more content†¦The practice of abortions throughout the United States are safe. Abortions have become safer since the procedure was reluctantly legalized in the United States-by the Supreme Cou rt-in 1973. According to The American Medical Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs the number of deaths associated with abortion drastically dropped from roughly four out of every one hundred thousand women in 1973 to .6 per every one hundred thousand women in 1997 (Abortion is Safe). These statistics show that procedure in how an abortion is performed has become safer since legalization. Legalization of abortion permitted the procedure to be performed in a sterile setting- such as a hospital operating room. The medical risk associated with an abortion procedure is highly overestimated. An abortion performed exactly as medically advised carries half the risk of a tonsillectomy (Abortion is Safe). (A tonsillectomy is a simple procedure that is performed on many children in their childhood.) On the other hand, anti-abortion advocates point to emotional problems that could harm the pregnant woman after an abortion. These advocates attempt to show there is a link to mental disorders in post abortion women. A New Zealand study looked to verify this claim. The analysis showed that there was a credible link between depression, suicide attempts and substance abuse in post abortion women (Cords). Researchers also aimed to connect having an abortion with post-traumatic stress disorderShow MoreRelated Women Have the Right to Abortion Essay1603 Words   |  7 PagesWomen Have the Right to Abortion Websters New World Dictionary defines the word abortion as, any spontaneous expulsion of an embryo or a fetus before it is sufficiently developed to survive (Websters 1988; Pps. 3- 4). Assuming the reader of this essay agrees with the above definition, I will explore the following thesis, and support my answer with appropriate, adequate documentation, from Conversations: Should abortion be legal? At what point in time, and under what criteria shouldRead More Women Have the Right to Choose Abortion Essay1599 Words   |  7 PagesWomen Have the Right to Choose Abortion An abortion is a womans option to terminate a pregnancy. It is an induced miscarriage. Abortion has become an extremely controversial topic in the past 3 decades since it has been legalized. There has been extreme violence stemming from this issue that we as a country need to put under control, regardless of our personal stances on the issue. There are many reasons why a woman would choose to have an abortion. She does not feel she is ready toRead MoreAbortion Is A Way For Women1726 Words   |  7 PagesKellsey Lodahl Abortion is Ethical Abortion is a way for women, or couples, to make the best decision they can for themselves and the unborn child if they are not ready to bring a child into the world. Allowing termination as a legal and ethical option lets women know they still have a choice when their world is turned upside down. The choice to abort a pregnancy allows women to remain in control of their bodies and makes women one step closer to becoming equal to men. I argue that it is ethicallyRead MoreAbortion: Unconstitutional State and Federal Laws700 Words   |  3 PagesAbortion: Unconstitutional State and Federal Laws Abortion for many years now has been a very controversial topic politically and culturally. Democrats are considered to be pro-choice for women rights to abortion, while the Republicans are against abortion due to their conservative culture. Womens right to have abortions have been violated by both state and federal government laws. Laws regulating womens right to an abortion is unconstitutional because the laws prohibits women from making theirRead MoreAbortion And The Abortion At The Supreme Court988 Words   |  4 Pageseditorial about abortion from opposing viewpoints called â€Å"Showdown on Abortion at the Supreme Court† The author of editorial argued that women’s have right choose abortion. If supreme court shutdown all legal and safest medical treatment clinic that preform abortion, the women will fallow illegal method to end their pregnancies because they do not have any alternative. It is not good method for women health. However, my opinion an abortion is quite different. Recently number of abortion increases rapidlyRead MoreShould Abortion Be A Pro Choice?954 Words   |  4 PagesPro-choice believers support the idea that women have the choice to do what they want with their bodies. In the article, â€Å"Yes, I’m Pro-Abortion,† Lauren Rankin asserts that being Pro-Choice means accepting abortion as one of the choices women have the right to make. Rankin says that abortion is not available for all women, especially a woman of color and low-income woman. The author also mentions that it sidelines abortion and delegitimizes the valid choice. I agree that if one chooses to be Pro-ChoiceRead MoreAbortion Should Be Legal Essay893 Words   |  4 Pagesis a decision that must follow. Abortion is a woman’s individual choice; therefore, must be a legal part in todays society. Individual rights have an outstanding role in the controversial topic, on whether abortion should become legal in the United States . The individ ual rights for abortion show rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. As well, women should be able to have the choice to choose to have an abortion for several important reasons. The right to make these decisions shouldRead MorePro Choice Vs. Abortion1426 Words   |  6 Pagesclearly advocates that every women in the world has equal rights of having abortion and there will no legal or religious restriction against electing an abortion in routine life. Many of social religious, civil and national federations raised a slogan against abortion and in the support of this opposition all of these communities and people also run Pro-life movement, United States. This movement opposes Pro-choice and many people considered in early days that abortion is an illegal phenomenon, whileRead MoreAbortion : A Choice And A Part Of Reproductive Justice776 Words   |  4 PagesIn history, women have demanded for women’s rights on numerous occasions whether it was for their voting r ights, fair treatment in the workplace and more. Reproductive freedom is talked about in â€Å"How It All Began: I Have Had an Abortion† and â€Å"What is Reproductive Justice?† by Loretta Ross. These articles discuss abortion as a choice and a part of reproductive justice. â€Å"How It All Began: I Have Had an Abortion† talks about abortion in a direct way by talking about anti-abortion law and Project 218Read MorePro Life And Pro Choice Debates875 Words   |  4 PagesPro-life and Pro-choice debates have become very controversial over the years. The Pro-Life stance fights for equal rights for the fetus, while the Pro-Choice stance fights for equal rights for the women. Currently abortions are legal in the United States up to the second trimester. The purpose of this power point will be to explore the ethical and legal viewpoints of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice stances. Individuals who are Pro-Choice believe that an abortion is a given right and a given choice, which

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

North American Cheetah free essay sample

The cheetah is a large feline inhabiting most of Africa and parts of the Middle East. It is the only extant member of the genus Acinonyx. The cheetah can run faster than any other land animal† as fast as in short bursts covering distances up to, and has the ability to accelerate from O to in three seconds. This cat is also notable for modifications in the species paws. It is one of the few felids with semi-retractable claws. Etymology The word cheetah is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning variegated, via the Hindi . Genetics, evolution, and classification The genus name, Acinonyx, means no-move-claw in Greek, while the species name, jubatus, means maned or crested in Latin, a reference to the dorsal crest found in cheetah cubs. The cheetah has unusually low genetic variability. This is accompanied by a very low sperm count, motility, and deformed flagella. Skin grafts between unrelated cheetahs illustrate the former point, in that there is no rejection of the donor skin. We will write a custom essay sample on North American Cheetah or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is thought that the species went through a prolonged period of inbreeding following a genetic bottleneck during the last ice age. This suggests that enetic monomorphism did not prevent the cheetah from flourishing across two continents for thousands of years. The cheetah likely evolved in Africa during the Miocene epoch, before migrating to Asia. Recent research has placed the last common ancestor of all existing populations as living in Asia 11 million years ago, which may lead to revision and refinement of existing ideas about cheetah evolution. The now-extinct species include: Acinonyx pardinensis, much larger than the modern cheetah and found in Europe, India, and China; Acinonyx intermedius, found over the same range. The extinct genus Miracinonyx was extremely cheetah-like, but recent DNA analysis has shown that Miracinonyx inexpectatus, Miracinonyx studeri, and Miracinonyx trumani, found in North America and called the North American cheetah are not true cheetahs, instead being close relatives to the cougar. Subspecies Although many sources list six or more subspecies of cheetah, the taxonomic status of most of these subspecies is unresolved. Acinonyx rex†the king cheetah†was abandoned as a subspecies after it was discovered that the variation was caused by a single recessive gene. The subspecies Acinonyx Jubatus guttatus, the woolly cheetah, may also have been a variation due to a recessive gene. Some of the most commonly recognized subspecies include: Asiatic cheetah : Asia . Current range is in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Extinct in other Asian countries. Northwest African cheetah : Northwest Africa and western Africa Acinonyx Jubatus raineyii: eastern Africa Acinonyx Jubatus Jubatus: southern Africa Acinonyx Jubatus soemmeringii: central Africa Acinonyx Jubatus velox Description The cheetahs chest is deep and its waist is narrow. The coarse, short fur of the heetah is tan with round black spots measuring from across, affording it some spots, which merge to form four to six dark rings at the end. The tail usually ends in a bushy white tuft. The cheetah has a small head with high-set eyes. Black tear marks running from the corner of its eyes down the sides of the nose to its mouth keep sunlight out of its eyes and aid in hunting and seeing long distances. Its thin and fragile body make it well-suited to short bursts of high speed, but not to long- distance running. Agility, rather than raw speed, accounts for much of the cheetahs bility to catch prey. Cheetahs can accelerate four times as fast as a human and can slow down by 14 kilometers per hour in one stride. They can hunt successfully in dense forests. The adult cheetah weighs from . Its total head-and-body length is from, while the tail can measure in length. Cheetahs are tall at the shoulder. Males tend to be slightly larger than females and have slightly bigger heads, but there is not a great variation in cheetah sizes and it is difficult to tell males and females apart by appearance alone. Compared to a similarly sized leopard, the cheetah is generally horter-bodied, but is longer tailed and taller and so it appears more streamlined. Some cheetahs have a rare fur pattern mutation of larger, blotchy, merged spots. Known as king cheetahs, they were once thought to constitute a separate subspecies but are in fact African cheetahs; their unusual fur pattern is the result of a single recessive gene. The king cheetah has only been seen in the wild a handful of times, but it has been bred in captivity. The cheetahs paws have semi-retractable claws, offering extra grip in its high-speed pursuits. The ligament structure of the heetahs claws is the same as those of other cats; it simply lacks the sheath of skin and fur present in other varieties, and therefore, with the exception of the dewclaw, the claws are always visible. The dewclaw is much shorter and straighter than that of other cats. Adaptations that enable the cheetah to run as fast as it does include large nostrils that allow for increased oxygen intake, and an enlarged heart and lungs that work together to circulate oxygen efficiently. During a typical chase, its respiratory rate increases from 60 to 150 breaths per minute. Once widely hunted for its fur, the cheetah now suffers more from the loss of both habitat and prey. The cheetah was formerly considered to be particularly primitive among the cats and to have evolved approximately 18 million years ago. However, new research suggests the last common ancestor of all 40 existing species of felines lived more recently than about 11 million years ago. The same research indicates that the cheetah, while highly derived morphologically, is not of particularly ancient lineage, having separated from its closest living relatives around

Monday, December 2, 2019

WELFARE Essays (888 words) - Federal Assistance In The United States

WELFARE Welfare is a government program that provides money, medical care, food, housing, and other things that people need in order to survive. People who can receive help from these welfare programs are children, elders, disabled, and others who cannot support their families on their current income. Another name for welfare is public assistance. There are many organizations that supply this public assistance. Such as Salvation Army and other groups. Public assistance benefits help many people who live below the poverty line, an income level is established for families. If your income is below this you would be eligible to receive this help. Welfare in the United States Federal and state governments in the Unites States serve the poor people through about 60 public assistance programs. Most people receive help through one of the four major programs. These programs are Medicaid, Aid to families with dependant Children, Social Security, or Supplemental Security, or the food stamps program. I will discuss the four programs individually. Medicaid provides free medical care to the poor people. Funds vary from state to state. In some situations, people who may be able to pay daily needs, but can't afford large medical bills may also be able to receive Medicaid. Some services paid for are bills such as doctor's visits and nursing home care. Most Medicaid funding comes from the federal government. The rest is supplied by the state. Each state runs their own Medicaid program. A.F.D.C. provides cash benefits to dependent children and the parents or the guardians taking care of them. Most families that qualify for A.F.D.C. have just one parent in the home. About 80 percent of these families are headed by a woman. A.F.D.C. also pays benefits to two-parent families if both parents are unemployed. Most A.F.D.C. funding comes from the federal government. The states provide the rest of the money and administer the program. The sizes of families' payment vary from state to state. Next is Social Security Income. This provides financial Aid to people in need who are at least 65 years old, blind, or disabled. The federal government finances and administers social security income programs in most states, though some states supply the federal payment and are able to run their own programs. Finally, the Food Stamp Program helps low-income households buy more and better food than they could otherwise afford. Each participating household receives a certain number of coupons called food stamps. The stamps are issued by the federal government. The number of stamps a household receives varies with the family's size, income, and expenses. Cooperating grocery stores accept the stamps like money for food purchases only. There are other programs such as energy assistance and public housing. Energy assistance, which is federally financed but administered by the states, helps people pay fuel bills. Public housing provides low cost rental apartments in government owned buildings. State and local governments fund and administer their own general assistance programs. These programs provide financial aid for needy people who do not qualify for other types of welfare. People waiting to receive assistance from other programs also may get temporary emergency aid from general assistance. Back in the early days, welfare resembled the English system. Social governments were responsible for helping the poor. But the colonies and later the states, sometimes helped the local government provide aid. The first federal welfare program, began after the Revolutionary War, they provided pensions to war veterans. During the Civil War these pensions were expanded to cover soldiers' widows and orphans. In the early 1900's, primary responsibility for providing welfare benefits shifted from local to state governments. During these years, states enacted programs to aid dependent children and the elderly. The criticisms of welfare ranges over a number of social and economic issues. Some people criticize welfare programs for not providing high enough benefits to eliminate poverty. Spending on welfare would have to increase greatly to eliminate poverty, and many people believe the cost is already too high. Many critics of the welfare system charge that providing a steady income to needy people encourages idleness. Actually, most welfare benefits go to elderly, blind, and disabled people and mothers with young children. But welfare does discourage some recipients

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Starting Early, Starting Late Essays - Sleep, Mary Carskadon

Starting Early, Starting Late Essays - Sleep, Mary Carskadon Starting Early, Starting Late THIS REPORT WAS TAKEN FROM THIS SITE, AND THEN REFINED TO USE FOR AN ENGLISH 3 PERSUASIVE PARAGRAPH. (-Means New Paragraph, it is 8 paragraphs and 3 pages long) Start here- -Do you enjoy going to school at 7 in the morning? Are you fully awake and think you can handle lifes many daily challenges to the fullest of your ability? I think not. -We at Raymore Peculiar High School need more sleep. In order to fulfill this task, the school day would have to start at a later time. Everyone would benefit from these changes. Teachers would get off our backs about being grouchy and not doing well on tests, because we do not remember anything. Students would be less irritable in class, and they would also be more attentive to teachers little fun lectures, because their heads will not be in their books, literally. -Many teenage high school students are tired during the school day, distracting them from their studies. Which is one of the many good reasons in which the starting time of school should be later in the day. Some people may say that the brain not being fully functional until around 9:30 is just a matter of belief, however we upperclassmen have come to the conclusion that our counterpart, also know as underclassmen, brains are never quite fully functional. -Studies have suggested that the average adolescent brain does not even start to fully function until around 9:30 am. Many schools already use the suggested later arrival time, so their students can be ready to learn when they arrive at school. Another thing that everyone knows or remembers about high school is all of the homework that needs to be done for next class. Plus projects that are due, persuasive essays (such as this particular assignment) that need written, and the time you need to be a teenager, called socialization, or a time to kick it and chill. Most students even have so much work that they will stay up all night just to get it done. -The down side for starting school at a later time is the fact that we would be in school later in the day. We would not get out of school until 4:30 instead of 2:30. That would throw off everything, work schedules, athletic schedules, detentions; all sorts of things would be different. The elementary schools would not release classes until 5:30. Which would then pose a problem to the bus company, day care centers, and the working parents of the students. They would have to be at work, before their children even had to be at school. -When needing a minimum of 9 hours of sleep as a teenager, getting up at 6:30 in order to get ready for school is just not enough time. It is easy to think that students will just procrastinate even more, but the average teenager is smarter than you may think. It sounds absurd to think that students sleep during the school day. The fact is that many students fall asleep during class. Remember that sleep is not something you can make yourself not want. Throwing water on your face, listening to loud music, or taking a shower cannot make your bodies craving for sleep disappear. There are also risks involved with not getting enough sleep. Most people will be very sleepy and drowsy during the day, and they may encounter mood and behavioral problems. These things could also develop more into serious sleeping disorders. -Experts advise to not read or watch television shows when unwinding from a day at school or work. Mary Carskadon of Brown Universitys School of Medicine even believes that students do not need anymore sleep than adults do, but Carskadon still recommends that the school start time should be later in the daytime. The average high school student just needs a little slack every once in a while; they need a way to cope with being a teen. The average teenager needs more sleep. It is imperative that we receive these demands for the safety, well-being, and pleasure of the community as a whole.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Wrigley And Lopez

The authors Wrigley and Lopez each are able to paint vivid pictures within their writing. Robert Wrigley, known best for his poetry, writes with a very detailed style and has a very personal attachment to the place he calls home, the Pacific Northwest. Barry Holstun Lopez, however, writes with a much different style. Lopez fuses intricate stories with more philosophical subject matter. His text is challenging to read, and presents the reader with a difficult task. As different as these two authors are, there are many aspects to their passages that are quite similar. One could easily make the argument that there is a common ground between them. Both of these works contain a common theory or belief about places and how people respond to places. Both writers make a statement about what people value in places. It is also obvious to the reader that both Wrigley and Lopez can fully see and appreciate the inherent beauty of the intricate and complex nature of their surroundings. Wrigley finds himself completely in awe over the natural allure of the irregular landscape consisting of mountains, canyons, and winding rivers. Lopez takes note of the smaller details of the landscape that one might be inclined to overlook. He writes of the crumbling sand under your feet in the Sonoran Desert, the black-throated sparrow that makes its home in the paloverde bush, and animal tracks that have been made almost incomprehensible by the fierce wind. Such idiosyncrasies of the terrain might not be observed by a less careful individual. Undoubtedly the biggest link between these two passages is the connection that the authors make between the landscape and their art. Wrigley argues that the landscape comes out in everybody’s writing. I can relate to him when he says this, because I think that the landscape that I consider to be my home definitely is very influential to the way that I write. I can’t quite experience for myself the solitary emptiness ... Free Essays on Wrigley And Lopez Free Essays on Wrigley And Lopez The authors Wrigley and Lopez each are able to paint vivid pictures within their writing. Robert Wrigley, known best for his poetry, writes with a very detailed style and has a very personal attachment to the place he calls home, the Pacific Northwest. Barry Holstun Lopez, however, writes with a much different style. Lopez fuses intricate stories with more philosophical subject matter. His text is challenging to read, and presents the reader with a difficult task. As different as these two authors are, there are many aspects to their passages that are quite similar. One could easily make the argument that there is a common ground between them. Both of these works contain a common theory or belief about places and how people respond to places. Both writers make a statement about what people value in places. It is also obvious to the reader that both Wrigley and Lopez can fully see and appreciate the inherent beauty of the intricate and complex nature of their surroundings. Wrigley finds himself completely in awe over the natural allure of the irregular landscape consisting of mountains, canyons, and winding rivers. Lopez takes note of the smaller details of the landscape that one might be inclined to overlook. He writes of the crumbling sand under your feet in the Sonoran Desert, the black-throated sparrow that makes its home in the paloverde bush, and animal tracks that have been made almost incomprehensible by the fierce wind. Such idiosyncrasies of the terrain might not be observed by a less careful individual. Undoubtedly the biggest link between these two passages is the connection that the authors make between the landscape and their art. Wrigley argues that the landscape comes out in everybody’s writing. I can relate to him when he says this, because I think that the landscape that I consider to be my home definitely is very influential to the way that I write. I can’t quite experience for myself the solitary emptiness ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Applying Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Applying Theory - Essay Example The first part will explain Beattie’s model of health promotion including its relevance to the contemporary public health. Eventually, the strengths and weaknesses of the model will be identified and thoroughly discussed. Upon identifying the different behaviour change models, the second part of the paper will discuss about the strengths and weaknesses of each framework. Beattie’s model of health promotion is one of the most commonly used frameworks that enables the health care professionals to thoroughly examine the health determinants aside from developing a list of highly recommended responsive action to improve the health and well-being of the patients. The Beattie’s model of health promotion is composed of four paradigms known as: (1) health persuasion; (2) personal counselling; (3) community development; and (4) legislative action. (Beattie, 1991) These four paradigms are basically used in capturing the entire picture which is necessary in allowing the health care professionals to develop effective action plan. Basically, the health persuasion technique includes the bio-medical approach upon analyzing the main cause of a particular behaviour. Under the top-down or authoritative, the relationship between the patients’ diseases, lifestyle, risk factors, the suggested way of controlling lifestyle, and the risks of not being able to follow the health care professionals’ health advice are being identified (Piper, 2007). On the other hand, the bottom-up model is used in as a patient-centered approach of health promotion. It simply means that the patients are given the opportunity to have power or control over their health care treatment or medication (Beattie, 1991). Regardless of whether the health promotion plan is physician- or patient-centred, the application of the Beattie’s model of health promotion enables the health care professionals to analyze

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Article Critique Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critique - Article Example To be specific, the study concentrates on the girls’ accounts of their enculturation into secrecy. These accounts have pertinent value as they disclose how the girls treated secrets as social objects and often depersonalized secrets when using them as social currency. Merten also points out that â€Å"using secrets to shape friendship and enhance social position was part of the larger process whereby secrecy became a vehicle for developing subjective reason and an exchange perspective among these girls.† (Merten, 1999). The study, therefore, specifically concentrates on relating secrecy with enculturation and the findings have immense value in a deeper understanding of the concept of secrecy. The research is undertaken to develop competencies in evaluating qualitative research; develop analytical skills, the approach is investigative, and the result of the study is that the findings are not logical and satisfactory. The research has been conducted in a suburban community near Chicago at junior high school and interviews with 83 female students and 77 male students provided the data for the study. The purpose of the interviews was to find out the various aspects in the lives of the participant students and the importance of events and relationships in their lives. The observational field notes along with the findings of the interview were used to make the investigation in the study. The relevance of the interviews which were open-ended and informal in style was great in making the ultimate conclusion of the research. The accounts of the girls concerning their experience with secrets in their lives were not the result of a natural dialogue. The accounts by the girls, thoug h were mainly influenced by the peers, could give a complete idea about the various aspects relating to secrecy. Throughout the analysis carried out in the research, the methodology had a pertinent role in the findings of the study. The strategy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

IT Management Essay Example for Free

IT Management Essay Database management is an important aspect of any modern organization given the massive growth of data volumes as a result of regulations on data storage as well as the increase in transactions and communication channels. This paper presents issues arising form the task of managing information through its lifecycle; specifically for companies based on PeopleSoft, SAP, Siebel, CRM, Oracle E-business suite, supplier relationship management (SRM) or ERP applications which are increasingly being affected by expanding data volumes within them. The article brings into perspective, ILM; which seeks to optimize on data by employing processes, policies tools and practices essential in linking the information’s business value with the most cost effective and appropriate IT systems from its conception to the time its disposed. While the current processes of defining, managing and storing data lack emphasis on its management, ILM provides a solution for effectively managing organization data applications. It is imperative to emphasize on the now prevalent decline in business agility as a result of problems with data volumes so as to keep data management cost down by taking an enterprise approach in managing data as records. ILM supports this. The findings that 56 percent lack interest in implementing ILM strategies or that they do not know of any ILM efforts within their organizations is biased considering that the enterprise approach is a relatively new approach to organizational information management. It is the current data systems that have failed as they only allow firms to handle problems as they occur and not that firms are reactive or else undisciplined about their data challenges. The finding that most firms either do not know or allocate minimal ILM strategy budgets ought to have outlined a parallel study of efforts made in alternative data management approaches. ILM introduces a cohesive strategy for the management of information across the organization which is exactly what is needed in modern business environments. Although ILM is promising, the author ought to have compared the findings with firms’ preference for alternative systems or even priorities as well as its fit with the current technology levels. The study also does not highlight the relative costs of implementing ILM with respect to the firms’ profit margins while outlining the implementation levels for ILM. However, ILM is an important strategy for data that need to meet certain legal storage mandates although it does not assess relative cost maintaining such information as opposed to frequency of events requiring this information. While the author addresses the issues of difficulties in determining information’s life cycle, he does not address the limitations of legal determinants which could jeopardize the gains from ILM. Nolan, R. McFarlan, W. (2005). Information Technology and the Board of Directors: Building an IT Governance Committee. Harvard Business Review, 83 (10),  In such a digital age as this, it is imperative that any organization invest in a strong governance committee on IT that can oversee the formulation and integration of IT policies into the company’s competitive advantage strategy. Warren McFarlan and Richard Nolan detail the basics of establishing and maintaining an IT governance committee. An IT governance committee is paramount in developing a custom framework on which an organization’s IT policies are founded thus enabling a firm to avoid applying other companies’ best strategies which may not fit into the modern nature business strategy. The authors elaborate on the three key approaches that are essential in guiding any company in building an effective IT governance committee: appointing the suitable personnel as well as their chairman; assessing how the committee would link to the audit committee; and the preparation of the committee’s charter. The first two are particularly more important. Independence is vital for any modern-day committee effectiveness just as the authors recommend the independence of the IT committee. Noting the importance of the importance of mentorship and expertise, McFarlan and Nolan emphasize on a chairman who’s either an IT professional (for strategic mode firms) or has past experience (for factory, turn around and support mode firms) in a successful IT-strategy based firm. In all cases, being IT-savvy, understanding an organization and its business needs as well as the systems architecture is paramount in addressing the bigger picture; technology’s potential to change the outlook of the business economy and this supports the characterization of the modern-day business leaders. In this regard, the authors emphasize on selecting a chairman or at least an IT professional who can successfully balance the short-term needs of the firm with its long-term IT investments. Since distraction by difficulties stifle IT integration, the importance of the committee and especially IT experts is addressed as they understand the important dynamics governing technological advancement both at the board and senior management level and thus can appropriately criticize all in-house entrenched thinking. The current scarcity of such experts explains the reason for the increase in number of IT consultants. The article addresses the current issues relating to accountability to the regulatory and economic objectives through alignment with the audit department. However, drastic changes characterizing the advancement in IT would necessitate a considerable number of the committee be composed of IT professionals rather the one or a few suggested by McFarlan and Nolan. Gary, S. , Alice, G. Alexis, F. Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems. Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-30. Gaithersburg, MD. Risk management has become an important aspect of the information technology management system. Gary, Alice and Alexis emphasize on the role of IT-risk management amidst the increasingly growing use of automated information systems aimed at protecting organization’s information assets from IT based risks. IT risk management is largely a management function as this IT guides confirms through focus on the companies mission rather than the IT experts only as the firm’s capacity to perform its mission is affected by these risks. The guide outlines the practical guidelines and the available cost-effective security systems essential in protecting the mission information which is an imperative in the modern world. This guide is literary applicable in every angle of every firm as it can be easily expanded or abbreviated to tailor it to fit specific organizational situations. Apart from enabling firms’ IT departments to be accountable for IT budgets, the guide is also helpful in guiding the accreditation of the IT systems. This guide is an important resource for a wide rage of IT users: the non-technical and technical staff as well as the experienced and the non-experienced ones. Therefore this guide does not only provide an overview of IT risk management but also evaluates how such a process would rhyme with the all the phases of the system development lifecycle (SLDC) as well as detailing the obligations of individuals who usually support and apply this process. In this regard, the guide provides a clear methodology for IT risk management as well as its relation to the system accreditation. This is made simpler by the provision of system-based information essential in defining the IT system as well as its operating environment. For such a process, it is important that supporting material such as the samples for the documentation of the results for risk assessment, as well as samples of a security implementation plan be addressed more keenly as they are essential in improving the effectiveness of the guide. It also focuses on modern-day needs such as enabling IT individuals to customize their IT systems to fit into effective control systems. The authors address the importance of assessing the knowledge gap within the organization as relates to process of implementing information technology management systems. Although not related to the topic at hand, the example on electric power and railroads does address the key idea of being aware of the knowledge gap in the appropriate way so as to make the most out of IT systems’ opportunities. While it may be true that IT technologies’ cost performance had changed to the magnitude of about 107 in at the time of this study, it is no guarantee that it is going to evolve at this same as the author suggests given the tremendous growth in technology and educational advancement. The authors focus on cost effectiveness and the ability to do things differently through the transformational opportunities offered by IT integration as with the examples of American Hospital Supply’s and American Airlines SABRE. In this regard, they emphasize on the knowledge about IT’s associated economics. Strategic implementation and management of IT networks in organizations has made organizations capable of extending their scope globally to take strategic advantage of IT integration. This is because the authors address specifically the fast changing pace of business operations with regards to assumptions and rules of business competition and this an important resource for modern-day senior management and CEOs who are charged with the responsibility of diversifying into intangible services that are information based. While its clear that technology is increasingly growing, it implies that the opportunities due to IT integration are bound to increase; it also implies that companies venturing into IT management can differentiate their services and cost and product features not only for sometime to come as the author puts it but for an indefinite time provided there is follow up. However, the author provides a two lenses approach that provides a holistic approach towards IT integration. However, the authors do not note the likely challenges that the highly dynamic and drastically changing IT infrastructure as driven by competition may cost. In this regard, the article emphasize on roles of CIO and CTO.

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Full Life With Empty Barrels :: essays research papers

A Full Life With Empty Barrels Robert Lee Frost, legendary American poet whose poetry was written to be easily understood and reads similar to everyday speech, wrote several poems that are frequently recited and quoted. Frost's arduous life is reflected in his poems; his poetry is both simple and complex. Frost uses deceptively simple strategies, imagery, metaphors, small details, nature, and traditional verse to convey feelings and intent, making him America's most beloved and esteemed poet, both by the common man and the critics. Robert Lee Frost's poem "After Apple-Picking" reflects Frost's life, his mistakes, regrets, and experiences, using a nostalgic tone. Frost, born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874, lived in California until he turned eleven, and his father died, which compelled his family to move to Lawrence, Massachusetts to live with his paternal grandparents. " Because Frost is so intimately associated with rural New England, one tends to forget that the first landscape printed on his imagination was both urban and Californian. That he came to appreciate, and to see in the imaginative way a poet must see, the imagery of Vermont and New Hampshire has something to do with the anomaly of coming late to it. It's as though he were dropped into the countryside north of Boston from outer space, and remained perpetually stunned by what he saw," Robert Penn Warren observed. "I don't think you can overemphasize that aspect of Frost. A native takes, or may take, a place for granted; if you have to earn your citizenship, your locality, it requires a special focus" (Parini 5). Frost resided in pastoral New England for most of his adult life, and his laconic expression and focus on individualism embody the heart of this region. "An essentially pastoral poet often associated with rural New England, Frost wrote poems whose philosophical dimensions transcend any region " (Biography 1). Many of Frost's poems utilizes nature and are written in understandable language to express his admiration for the hard-working individual. "Mr. Frost has dared to write and for the most part with success in the natural speech of New England; in natural spoken speech, which is very different from the "natural" speech of the newspapers, and of many professors" (Bloom 21). Frost had an extensive education. He was taught by his mother, "Frost received much of his early education at home, and his mother often read aloud from the works of Shakespeare, Poe, Emerson, and Wadsworth, as well as others" (Bloom 12).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Compare and Contrast of 3 Sociology Theories Essay

Sociology is the study of society. Through the centuries, sociologists have tried to provide an explanation as to why and how humans interact with each other on a social basis. Sociologists have divided sociology into two levels, microsociology and macrosociology (Sociology). The level of microsociology studies is on a smaller perspective, as macrosociology is the study of society on a larger analysis. Today, sociology has three major theories: symbolic interactionism, functionalism and conflict. Symbolic interaction refers to the patterns of communication, interpretation and adjustment between individuals,† (Baird and Kaufmann) humans will interpret different meanings in everyday life, from having a conversation or using their conscience. This theory is based on microsociology because it can be based upon individual interaction or a single person using symbolism with an object. For example, a person can interpret a white dove as a sign of love and peace, while another person can view it as just an animal. Symbolic interaction is unlike the two other theories, mostly because it is on a micro-sociological scale and focuses on just one aspect of society. It is believed that this theory’s origins are developed from Max Weber who believed a person acts based of their interpretation of the world. However, an American sociologist by the name of George H. Mead introduced the theory to American sociology in the 1920’s (Sociology). The second theory is functionalism which is defined as, â€Å"the doctrine that what makes something a mental state of a particular type does not depend on its internal constitution, but rather on the way it functions, or the role it plays, in the system of which it is a part. (Functionalism)† This theory is based upon different aspects of society, working interdependently together, creating a sound environment. The best example of this theory would involve a family and their government working together to create an ideal environment. As the family works to pay off taxes to the government, the government will supply the children with education and a future (Sociology). It has similar fundamentals as a lifecycle, and if all goes well, will continue in a similarly sound society. Functionalist, Emile Durkheim, believed it could be broken down into two types of social consensus: mechanical and organic solidarity (Sociology). Mechanical solidarity is a community sharing similar beliefs and work. An example of this is an Amish community (Sociology). Organic solidarity is most common, especially in America, and it refers to a society functioning with different ideas and work. Robert Merton divided functionalism between latent and manifest functions. Manifest function would be â€Å"intentional and obvious†, as latent is unintentional and discrete (Sociology). What differentiates this theory from the other two is that this theory does not require social change. This can be problematic because it does not consider aspects like divorce or bankruptcy. Symbolic interaction and functionalism are alike in the fact that they both require social interaction. Emile Durkheim was a main tenant in creating this theory (Baird and Kaufmann). Conflict perspective is the third theory. â€Å"Of the classical founders of social science, conflict theory is most commonly associated with Karl Marx (1818–1883). Based on a dialectical materialist account of history, Marxism posited that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, would inevitably produce internal tensions leading to its own destruction,† according to the book From Plato to Derrida (Baird and Kaufmann). This perspective is different from the other two theories because it focuses on the negative aspects on society. Unlike functionalism, it focuses on the on society’s change and empowering social structure. Although it is on a macro-level scale like functionalism, it primarily is focused upon the change of society. It explains social phenomena because it demonstrates the aspect of a food chain, and that it is â€Å"survival of the fittest† in society. From social structure, people will learn where they belong in everyday life. Obviously a person of poor status would not be engaging with someone of a rich status. The more rich side of the population will gain more benefits from education and the business, providing the wants and needs to their dependents, creating a stronger backbone for their future. I believe, as an American, the theory that best explains our society would be functionalism. Our country solely depends on an infrastructure constructed by different branches of society working together to create a greater picture. We, as adults, pay for taxes that will supply our children with schooling, so one day they too can have a paying job to help out their children through school. The United States of America is quality example of functionalism, especially in the more massive cities like Manhattan or Chicago. Cities are dependent on the interdependent functions of society to keep their society on a sound level. Another aspect of functionalism is the organic solidarity which is most common in America because of the nation’s vast difference in ideals in everyday life which proves to keep the government and society in the middle, or never changing. In any case, if bankruptcy happens to a significant company, the impact will be felt through society and the economy. This shows the flaws upon the theory because it does not consist with the concern of divorce or bankruptcy. As society has proven, we adapt and an independent role takes over, once again providing stable government. The three main theories of sociology are symbolic interaction, functionalism and conflict. Symbolic interaction is the only theory that is on a micro-level, focusing on the cause and reaction between two variables. Functionalism and conflict are on a macro-level and view society on a larger scale as a whole. Conflict theory is the only theory that reflects a negative input, as symbolic and functionalism focuses on the positive aspects of society. I believe, as an American, functionalism is most logical answer for our reality of a society. It embraces the way our government has adapted over hundreds of years, proving the best fit in my opinion. I believe it focuses on the economic infrastructure and capitalism of the United States of America. All the theories are alike in that they each have interaction, even if it on different levels.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Shopping Addiction

What Shopping Can Lead To What is shopping? Is shopping something we do for fun, for fashion, or to make us happy? Is shopping in our culture? Is shopping something we have learned from our parents, growing up? Shopping can be defined in many ways, but when does shopping become a problem? In â€Å"Shopping Spree, or Addiction† by Heather Hatfield, MD, she says â€Å"shopping can be one of America’s favorite past-times, but shopping can also lead to a self-destructive addiction that will cause financial disaster (1-2). I’ll be going over two main factors, credit cards and the mall environment, that cause a shopping addiction, along with the type of illness, depression, that also causes a shopping addiction. I’ll also talk about the treatment individuals go through to overcome the addiction. The dictionary definition of shopping is the act of a person who shops. It does not define an overreaction to shopping. What is an overreaction to shopping? It’s a shopping addiction. A shopping addiction is referred to as shopoholism, and is just as unhealthy as alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling.In some cases there are similarities amongst these addictions. For instance, alcoholics will hide their bottles, and shopaholics will hide their purchases. Having a shopping and spending addiction is defined as being inappropriate, excessive, and out of control. â€Å"Like other addictions, it has to do with impulsiveness and lack of control over one’s impulse. In America, shopping is embedded in our culture; so often, the impulsiveness comes out as excessive shopping,† says Donald Black, MD (quoted in Hatifield 1-2).A article by David Futrelle, who is a licensed psychologist and prominent researcher of Shopoholism, states that shopoholism is an impulse control problem rather being an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). For an example, a person with OCD will wash their hands and find relief whereas a compulsive shopper will get a high. The euphoria compulsive shoppers feel keeps them coming back for more, and more, and more (Futrelle). Individuals who are compulsive shoppers aren’t able to control their behavior through rational considerations. They will not be concerned if they don’t have enough money to pay.Since credit is so easily available, it makes it easy for people to spend, but before they know it they will find themselves in debt. The word credit card is in almost every shopaholic’s story. But it’s not credit cards that cause shopping addictions. According to statistics most individuals who develop this addiction are in their early twenties. Normally, this is after they get their first real job and their first credit card. It’s not just shopaholics who have problems spending with credit cards. It’s everyone. Using credit cards is easier, and we feel like we got it for free because no money has come out of our pocket, just not yet anyway. People who use cred it instead of cash tend to spend 20%-30% more than someone who is paying with cash† says Gary Herman, director of counseling services for consolidated credit (quoted in Futrelle). With all the spending that’s going on the debt keeps piling up. Individuals won’t know how much debt they are in. Eventually individuals will go into denial on how much they really spent and owe back. People will end up owing back twice as much as they thought they did. Credit cards aren’t to blame for addictive shopping; they just play a big part in a person’s life who is addicted to shopping.The way malls, stores, and advertisements are set up plays a big part on how people spend. Advertisers influence people to shop and spend more. Malls and shops are set up to attract people with their displays. For instance, people can go into their favorite store and there could be a sale. Of course the shopper will buy more than they really need because they feel like they have gott en a deal. â€Å"In a way malls and stores seduce us to buy, and it can lead to an addiction† says James J. Farrell who is a professor of history at St. Olaf College (53-55).Companies also will use their slogans to get people to buy and spend more. Take BMW for instance, their slogan is â€Å"The Ultimate Driving Machine. † This slogan tricks people into thinking that if they don’t own a BMW then whatever car they do own is not good enough. Other catchy slogans include Levi jeans, â€Å"You Walk a Little Taller in Levis† or Visa â€Å"Everywhere You Want to be. † Companies use these tactics to persuade people to spend and spend and spend, attracting the shopalcholics until individuals can’t spend any more. Nine million people in America suffer from shopoholism, and it’s more common in women.There have been studies conducted to see if addictions are genetic. â€Å"About 10%-15% may have a genetic predisposition to an addictive behavio r† says Ruth Engs, MD (quoted in Hatifield 1). As reported by Dr. Adrienne Backer â€Å"There is a strong link between compulsive shopping and an inadequate maternal relationship (quoted in Futrelle). † Frequently the mother was depressed or absent emotionally causing the daughter to develop a low self-esteem, resulting in the daughter turning to shopping to feel happy (Futrelle). In reality people who have a shopping addiction are covering up a low self-esteem.Dr. Louise Chang who is a physician at Grady Memorial hospital states that the endorphins, dopamine, and  naturally occurring opiate receptors get switched on in the brain, and people will feel a high that makes them feel good about themselves for that short amount of time while shopping. The causes of addictions and why addicts will continue their destructive behaviors remain uncertain. Most individuals who suffer from compulsive shopping have a history of psychological problems and difficulties at home, and t his plays a huge part in forming this compulsion (Chang 1).There are many warning signs to look out for in individuals who are addicted to shopping. Some of the signs to look out for are spending over budget, compulsive buying, being obsessed with money, and feeling lost without credit cards or cash. Having a shopping addiction will cause arguments with other family members about the individual’s shopping habits. A shopping addiction is a vicious cycle that keeps repeating itself. For most people shopping is going to the mall with friends or to buy the latest style, but for compulsive shoppers, shopping makes them feel good.About ninety years ago German psychologist, Emil Kraepelin defined excessive shopping as an illness calling it â€Å"onioman,† (quoted in Velez-Mitchell 20-25) but only recently it’s being understood as a disorder. After individuals shop they feel guilty or depressed about how much they spent. In some cases individuals will feel so guilty the y will go back to the store and return the merchandise thinking they will feel relief. Again once they return home they find the guilt has gone away, but then they will feel anxious. The outcome of feeling anxious will lead to another shopping spree.It’s an ongoing cycle. More than half the time shopping addicts have to hide their problem from loved ones to avoid arguments. Individuals will let merchandise pile up in their car until loved ones aren’t home. Then they take their purchases inside. In marriages, one will have secret bank accounts or credit cards to avoid confrontation with their significant other about spending money. Just like any other addiction it takes a toll on family relationships or personal relationships. Individuals will spend every extra minute they have at the mall instead of being home.Individuals will also isolate themselves from others because they become preoccupied with their behavior. Before one notices that their partner has a problem, th ey usually are in debt for $75,000 or more. The husband or wife is equally responsible for the debt their significant other has obtained. Usually this addiction will ruin a relationship, and if one is married it will end with divorce, which is stated by Jane Velez Mitchell who is an awarding winning journalist and bestselling author (192-198). Is there a cure for someone who has a shopping addiction? The answer is yes. The first thing to do it to admit one has a problem.There are different levels of a shopaholic. Individuals will have to find a debtors anonymous 12 step program to go to. This program is important for ongoing support and maintenance. Individuals will also have to go through credit counseling. â€Å"There are no standard treatments for shopping addictions† says Donald Black, MD (quoted in Hatifield 1-2). There is one type of medication that is given to people with a shopping addiction and that is an antidepressant, called Celexa. The cause of a shopping addicti on results in the individual being depressed, and they will use shopping to relieve their depression and feel happy.But antidepressants don’t always work, and many victims they have to go to counseling. For individuals who try to recover from this addiction, it’s a good idea to get rid of check books and credit cards which fuel the problem. People also should not shop by themselves. They should find other meaningful ways to spend their time. With people who have a severe shopping addiction, it’s recommended that someone else controls their finances for them. If someone disagrees with what I’ve written about shopping addictions, they are either an addict or wealthy.People with shopping addictions or any other addiction don’t realize they have a problem and think they are ok. It’s very hard for one to realize and admit they have a problem. In seeking help for this addiction a person needs to admit they have a problem in order to recover from t he addiction. Another type of person who would disagree with a shopping addiction is someone who has money to spend. If an individual has money and can afford going on shopping sprees regularly, then why not buy everything they want. But individuals who are wealthy won’t realize they have a problem, and they could be suffering from depression.The first thing to do to recover from this addiction is to admit one has a problem, otherwise treatment won’t work. Works Cited Chang, Louise, MD. â€Å"The New Addiction. †WebMD. 2009. Web. 5 July 2011. Farrell, James J. One Nation Under Good. Washington D. C: Smithsonian Books, 2003. Print. Futrelle, David. â€Å"Do You Shop Too Much. † Money Magazine. Money Magazine, 31 Oct. 2003. Web. 1 July 2001. Hatifield, Heather,MD. â€Å"Shopping Spree, or Addiction? †Ã‚  WebMD. 2004. Web. 5 July 2011. Velez-Mitchell, Jane and Sandra Mohr. Addict Nation. Florida: Health Communications, 2011. Print.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tiempo Permitido Fuera Estados Unidos para Residentes

Tiempo Permitido Fuera Estados Unidos para Residentes El tiempo que un residente permanente puede pasar fuera de los Estados Unidos sin afectar su estatus depende de varias circunstancias. Quienes cuentan con una green card deben residir en territorio de los Estados Unidos, de lo contrario se puede encontrar o bien con un rechazo de su solicitud de naturalizacià ³n, o bien con problemas para reingresar al paà ­s. Estos problemas afectan a quienes cuentan con una residencia en tarjeta de plstico, a quienes la tienen estampada en su pasaporte, a quienes tienen residencia condicional o quienes residen con visa de inversià ³n. Estos son algunos de los casos que hay que considerar: Si el residente pasa fuera de Estados Unidos menos de seis meses no deberà ­an existir problemas en los puntos de reingreso (frontera terrestre, inmigracià ³n en el aeropuerto o puerto marà ­timo) a menos que el oficial de inmigracià ³n tenga razones e informacià ³n  para creer que la persona no reside, de hecho, en el paà ­s. Un ejemplo es quien est por fuera cinco meses, regresa un dà ­a y vuelve a salir.Si el residente pasa ms de seis meses fuera de Estados Unidos pero menos de un aà ±o, puede pedir su readmisià ³n si cuenta con los documentos que demuestren que no pretendà ­a abandonar su estatus de residente: familia en Estados Unidos, impuestos al dà ­a, empleo o negocio, propiedades inmobiliarias en el paà ­s, cuentas bancarias, licencia de conduccià ³n valida, documentos que prueben las razones de su demora en regresar al paà ­s o un certificado de estudios en marcha.Si el residente pasa por fuera de Estados Unidos ms de un aà ±o pero menos de dos, debe pedir un permiso especial para reingresar antes de salir del paà ­s. El permiso es valido por dos aà ±os. En este caso el permiso se debe solicitar: cuando hay certeza de una estadà ­a fuera de Estados Unidos de hasta dos aà ±os, cuando hay advertencias escritas en el pasaporte por un oficial de inmigracià ³n respecto al estatus migratorio, o cuando el residente ha pasado por fuera de Estados Unidos seis meses en un aà ±o y planea estar fuera otros seis meses al aà ±o siguiente. Si el residente ha estado por fuera ms de un aà ±o y no tiene permiso para reingresar, debe comenzar desde ceros el proceso para obtener un nuevo permiso de residencia, ya que el que tiene no es valido. Esto quiere decir que se pierden las condiciones de residente permanente. En este caso se podrà ­a solicitar una visa SB-1en el consulado o embajada correspondiente antes del reingreso, pero las condiciones que se exigen para solicitar dicha visa son muy especà ­ficas y estrictas (varios documentos, affidavits que respalden la versià ³n de los hechos, exmenes mà ©dicos, impuestos al dà ­a, cuentas bancarias, familia en Estados Unidos).  ¿Cules Son Mis Opciones Si He Estado por Fuera Mucho Tiempo? Ante un residente con un estatus migratorio conflictivo el agente de aduana puede proponer varias posibilidades: Que el residente retire voluntariamente su intento de admisià ³n al paà ­s y regrese a su paà ­s de origen; esto no es una deportacià ³n ni expulsià ³n, sino un acto que el residente cumple ejerciendo plena libertad de eleccià ³n.Que el residente firme un documento en el que renuncie a su residencia. En este caso la persona no debe firmar ningà ºn papel que reconozca se ha abandonado el estatus de residente a menos que lo quiera hacer voluntariamente. Al negarse, el residente ser enviado a la corte y allà ­ podr explicar su caso delante de un juez. Que el residente obtenga un permiso (waiver) y pueda entrar con estatus de residente al paà ­s. Que el residente pueda reingresar con un notice to appear (aviso para comparecer). Aquà ­ deber presentarse en la corte de inmigracià ³n para un potencial proceso de deportacià ³n a menos que se pruebe con contundencia las razones de la ausencia. Excepciones Los siguientes residentes tienen ms libertad en sus viajes por fuera de Estados Unidos: Residentes permanentes legales cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos americanos quienes acompaà ±an a su familiar en otro paà ­s debido a un trabajo para el gobierno, o porque son miembros de una de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos.Residentes permanentes legales hijos menores de 21 aà ±os de ciudadanos americanos que acompaà ±an a su familiar en otro paà ­s debido a un trabajo para el gobierno, o porque son miembros de una de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos. En estos casos, dichos residentes deben reingresar al paà ­s junto con el ciudadano americano con el que estn relacionados. Recuerde Si en la aduana se topa con problemas sepa que usted: No esta obligado a firmar ningà ºn documento.No puede perder su tarjeta de residencia. Ningà ºn oficial puede retenerla, solo un juez de inmigracià ³n tiene ese poder. Si pretende solicitar la ciudadanà ­a sepa que usted: Debe pasar al menos la mitad del tiempo requerido (cinco o tres aà ±os) dentro del territorio de Estados Unidos.No debe haber estado por fuera de Estados Unidos ms de un aà ±o seguido. Esto se considera como una ruptura de su obligacià ³n de residir en el paà ­s. Debe contar con los documentos que validen una estadà ­a por fuera de Estados Unidos de ms de seis meses y menos de un aà ±o. Por à ºltimo, este test de respuestas mà ºltiples  sobre cà ³mo obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia puede ser una guà ­a adicional. Este es un artà ­culo informativo, y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

7 Active Reading Strategies for Students

7 Active Reading Strategies for Students Active reading techniques can help you stay focused and retain more information, but its a skill that takes time and effort to develop. Here are some strategies to help you get started right away. 1. Identify New Words Most of us develop a bad habit of glossing over words that are vaguely familiar to us, often not even realizing we are doing so. When you  read a difficult passage or book for an assignment, take a few moments to really observe challenging words. You will likely find that there are many words that you think you know- but that you can’t really define. Practice by underlining every noun or verb that you cannot replace with a synonym. Once you have a list of words, write the words and definitions in a logbook. Revisit this log several times and quiz yourself on the words. 2. Find the Main Idea or Thesis As your reading level increases, the complexity of your material will likely increase as well. The thesis or main idea may no longer be provided in the first sentence; it may instead be located in the second paragraph or even the second page. Finding the thesis is crucial to comprehension. You’ll need to practice finding the thesis of the text or article each time youre reading. 3. Create a Preliminary Outline Before you dive into reading the text of a difficult book or chapter, take some time to scan the pages for subtitles and other indications of the structure. If you don’t see subtitles or chapters, look for transition words between paragraphs. Using this information, you can craft a preliminary outline of the text. Think of this as the reverse of creating an outline for your essays and research papers. Going backward in this way helps you absorb the information you are reading. Your mind will, therefore, be better able to â€Å"plug† the information into the mental framework. 4. Read With a Pencil Highlighters can be overrated. Some students commit highlighter overkill and end up with a sloppy multi-colored mess. Sometimes it’s more effective to use a pencil and sticky notes when you write. Use the pencil to underline, circle, and define words in the margins, or (if you’re using a library book) use sticky notes to mark a page and a pencil to write specific notes to yourself. 5. Draw and Sketch No matter what type of information you’re reading, visual learners can always create a mind map, a Venn diagram, a sketch, or a timeline to represent the information. Start by taking a clean sheet of paper and creating a visual representation of the book or chapter you’re reading. Youll be amazed by the difference this will make for retaining information and remembering details. 6. Make a Shrinking Outline A shrinking outline is another useful tool for reinforcing the information that you read in a text or in your class notes. To make a shrinking outline, you need to re-write material you see in your text (or in your notes). While it is a time-consuming exercise to write out your notes, it is also a very effective one. Writing is a necessary part of active reading. Once you have written out a few paragraphs of material, read it over and think of one keyword that represents an entire paragraph’s message. Write that keyword in the margin. Once you have written several keywords for a long text, go down the line of keywords and see if each word will prompt you to remember the full concept of the paragraph it represents. If not, re-read the paragraph and choose a more accurate keyword. Once every paragraph can be recalled by a keyword, you can begin to create clumps of keywords. If necessary (e.g. if you have a lot of material to memorize) you can reduce the material again so that one word or acronym helps you remember the clumps of keywords. 7. Read Again and Again Science tells us that we all retain more when we repeat a reading. It’s good practice to read once for a basic understanding of the material, and read at least one more time to grasp the information more thoroughly.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Mergers Don't Always Lead to Culture Clashes Paper Essay

Mergers Don't Always Lead to Culture Clashes Paper - Essay Example People thought the two cultures would clash but it was successful. Q1. What ways were the cultures of BANK of America and NMBA incompatible? In the year 2005, Bank of America acquired MBA at a cost of 35 billion dollar (More, 2006). MBNA’s employers had accustomed their employees to high salaries packages. Their headquarters were an example of luxury at its best. They had private jets and yachts, and enjoyed a company golf course. They had adopted a formal mode of dressing and it was strictly suit and tie. Bank of America on the other hand, paid its employees’ salaries that were in line with the market figures. They had a casual approach towards their mode of dressing. They also preferred simplicity of premises in terms of the architecture. The differences between the cultures of the two companies were based on the social interactions. MBNA accuses its counterparts of being bureaucratic and BOA terms the MBNA directors as being arrogant. The companies approach to the co rporate image is the bottom line of the differences. Q2. Why do you think their cultures seem to mesh and rather than clash? The two companies were quite compatible. Their different approaches were put together and each adopted the other company’s culture. They both compromised on their stands. The two corporate cultures meshed due to the fact that their differences were only prevalent on the corporate image. The differences lay on issues that could be dealt with easily. The adjustment of the two companies to the new corporate culture did not need time or negative financial complications for the company. For example, the issue of salaries was handled by adopting the market figures; thus, the MBNA staff had to suffer from pay cuts. The golf course and private jets were disposed, but one private jet was retained. The issue of dressing was handled with adopting MBNA official setting for the public relation department. BOA’s casual approach was adopted for the other depart ments. Each company policies were evaluated and the best solution was used. Q3. Do you think culture is important to the success of a merger/acquisition? According to Deal and Kennedy (2008), dealing with the corporate culture when merging two companies is very important. It is essential due to the fact that it will determine the success of the new company. The corporate culture of a company contributes to the profitability of accompany to some extent. It is therefore, important to ensure that you incorporate both cultures and blend them in a way that the profit attributed to the two companies corporate culture will be retained. The accomplishment of the acquisition will depend on the way the two companies deal with the different corporate cultures. The other reason as to why it is important to ensure the success of merging is to achieve the best value of the new company. The deal value should not be eroded with the new merger. It is crucial that the new company’s corporate c ulture is not undermined or lacks consideration. The new employees should feel comfortable in the new working environment for the best results to be achieved. The new corporate culture should be accepted by the employees freely. Q4. How much of the smooth transition if any, do you think comes from both companies glossing over real differences in an effort to make the merger work? Both companies’ ability to compromise was the factor that contributed to the smooth acquisition of the two compan

Friday, November 1, 2019

The analysis of international competitiveness of China's auto Dissertation

The analysis of international competitiveness of China's auto manufacturing industry - Dissertation Example With the boost in expansion of the industry the international auto industry has become a key sector of the economical growth for each and every country in the world. The auto manufacturing industry has shown a great development and registered a growth rate of thirty percent increase in the last few decades in-between 1995-2005. The world’s auto manufacturing industry has produced and accounted for a sixty six billion cars, trucks, vans and buses during 2005. The auto manufacturing industry has been the single vast engine of the economic growth in the world. With the deepening development of the economic globalization the auto manufacturing industry has obtained rapid and robust development in the recent years and has gradually established itself as the pillar of the nation’s economy. The auto manufacturing industry has contributed immensely towards the nation’s economy by means of production and job creation in the economy. As per the reports, a production of the sixty million vehicles paved the way for an employment of about nine million people directly in the production and the manufacturing of the automobile parts. This accounted for over the five percent of the total manufacturing employment worldwide. It was approximated that each direct auto manufacturing job sustained that least five percent of the circuitous jobs in the society resulting in more than a fifty million jobs in the in the auto manufacturing industry. The actual results also meet the approximated figures in terms of the jobs opportunity provided by the auto manufacturing industry globally. In addition the auto manufacturing industry also provided employment opportunities for the in the manufacturing of the related goods and the service industry. The vehicles produced by the auto manufacturer are essential in the functioning of the global economy and to the welfare of the world’s citizen. The global auto manufacturing industry also accounts for the chief innovator. The industry has developed through a constant research and development process of the technology which in turn facilitated for the cost effectiveness in production. This assures that the technological development in the auto manufacturing industry provides the backbone of a strong economy through the cost effective advantage. Studies showed that the greatest auto manufacturing producing countries had invested in lump sum over their technological research and development wing for a smooth operation in the auto manufacturing sector. The entire world accounted for an investment of â‚ ¬84 billion on the research and development wing in the auto manufacturing sector. Auto manufacturing also accounted for a major contributor of revenue in the government sector all around the world making a contribution of more than â‚ ¬400 billion (OICA is the Voice Speaking on Automotive Issues in World Forums, 2007). Growing environmental concerns amongst the consumers and the hike in the fuel pr ices are inspiring the auto manufacturing manufacturer to expand the portfolio of the small cars and this make a shift in the production of the automobiles for the future industry growth. This accounted for one of the competitive advantage of the automobile industry. For competing in the international auto manufacturing industry a nation needs to diversify into a new manufacturing model that will

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discuss the relationship between ICAO and national aviation Essay

Discuss the relationship between ICAO and national aviation authorities. How does this relationship contribute to safety, economy and efficiency - Essay Example This paper is dedicated to discussing the issue of safety, economy and efficiency in the aviation industry and will be biased towards analyzing the roles of ICAO and National Aviation Authorities in the industry. Weber (2007) notes that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a special UN agency that was formed to develop international aviation safety standards. ICAO also promotes cooperation among its member countries as they strive to achieve the organization’s goal of maintaining secure, safe and sustainable civil aviation. The ICAO identifies and monitors any safety risks to civil aviation; the organization also develops and implements relevant as well as effective responses to these risks as they emerge. The body also monitors closely compliance of its policies in different states. The body also conducts oversight audits to identify any safety deficiencies and help come up with a resolution by different states. ICAO also tries to improve global civil aviation safety by encouraging the exchange of crucial information between different states. (Air Traffic Control Association, 1987) ICAO is committed to enhancing security in civil aviation at the global level by identifying and monitoring civil aviation security threats, and developing and implementing effective responses to emerging threats (Huang, 2009). ICAO also tries to improve the security of global civil aviation by encouraging the exchange of crucial information between different states. The body is also tasked with helping the local civil aviation authorities to train all levels of personnel who are involved in the implementation of civil aviation security policies. The body uses any given technical cooperation program to address the security deficiencies in each of its member states. (Huang, 2009) ICAO does this by ensuring that there is minimal effect of aircraft noise, engine emissions on the environment and people. The organization works

Monday, October 28, 2019

Failures are success Essay Example for Free

Failures are success Essay Kidney disease and when you will go in tabular under that mentioned use additional code to specify stage of kidney disesase, from that category you should also need to code One from 4xx series code hypertensive chronic kidney disease, and secondary from 5xx series code . Same with hypertensive cardiac disease. At the same site, code the maximum degree of burn for eg. Second and third degree on arm, code only third degree, if second degree on trunk and third degree on arm, code both according to degree and if u are cding third degree 948 series code also need to be code, which describe total body surface area involved in third degree. PAIN Check guidelines for chronic pain and postoperative pain. If patient comes for pain management, to code for pain. If it is mentioned it is chronic then take chronic (338.xx series) and if it is mentineod postoperative (9xxx series ). SEPTICEMIA 038.XX is always primary whether it is due to infection or noninfection Sepsis 995.91 or severe sepsis 995.92 will go secondary . In case of severe sepsis there is multiple organ failure which need to code after that For eg. 038.xx, 995.92, and then organ failures code. DIABETS MELLITUS Read the guidelines for how to take fifth digit in that 0 if unspecified and not stated as uncontrolled Prepare one anatomy theory Prepare for 5 medical terminoly words; Hepatomegaly, hysterectomy, salpingectomy etc. If it is poisoning, three codes will go Like for eg. Cerebral anoxia resulting in barbitures overdose suicidal attempt Pdx poisiong code 900 serioes check in drugs and chemnical under poisoning Sdx cerebral anoxia icd 9 (manifestation) Tdx E code under drugs and chemical table under barbiturates suicidal attempt E code

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Old Testament Connections from Grapes of Wrath :: essays research papers

John Steinbeck makes many Biblical allusions in his book The Grapes of Wrath. Many of these connections are on a small layer, perhaps applying to only one individual. Jim Casy, the Christ figure, is one example of an allusion from the New Testament. However, the whole book can be seen as a Biblical allusion to the story of the Exodus and the life of Moses. Not only does the story of the fictional Joad family relate to the Exodus, but the story of the Okies and the great migration that took place during the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s. This compelling story of the migrants can be divided into three parts: the oppression, the exodus, and the Promised Land. The chronicle of the Exodus begins with the Hebrews being enslaved to the Egyptians. Because of this, God sent ten plagues to Egypt. After the tenth plague, the pharaoh agreed to let the Hebrews become free and their journey across the desert is known as the Exodus. Thus the modern word exodus refers to any mass migration or departure of a large group of people. The excursion of the migrant workers can be described as a modern day exodus (compared to time-period of the Biblical story). Like the Hebrews, the Joad family and the rest of the migrants end up fleeing from their oppressors, which happens to be the banks. The period of time when the Okies use Route 66 as a way to move cross-country is the true exodus of the story, as it is a migration of a people. The migrants reaching California can be compared to the Hebrews finally reaching the Promised Land of Israel. Not only does the book relate to the movement of the Israelites, but also to the legendary man who lead them: Moses. Christians, Jews, and Muslims consider Moses a great prophet. One reference to Moses comes when Uncle John puts Rose of Sharon’s baby in the river. This is much like the life of Moses, when he is sent down the Nile River as a child.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Life and Works of Rizal Essay

He continued his studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid, Spain, where he earned the degree of Licientiate in Medicine. He also attended the University of Paris in France and earned second doctorate at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Having travelled the world extensively, Rizal became conversant in at least twenty-two languages. He was a prolific poet, essayist, diarist, correspondent, and novelist whose most famous works were his two novels, Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. These works fearlessly exposed the injustices committed by the Spanish civil and clerical officials in the Philippines amd spurred the militancy of armed revolutionaries and reformist against more than 300 years of Spanish rule. Rizal was proponent of institutional reforms by peaceful means rather than violence revolution. But he was associated with the growing insurgency movement and declared an enemy of the state by the Spanish authorities particularly because of the publication of his novels. He was deported to Dapitan in Zamboanga then incarcerated at Fort Santiago. When the Katipunan exploded into the full-blown revolution, the authorities were quick to incriminate him. After a mock trial, Rizal was convicted and sentence to die by firing squad at Bagubayan on December 30, 1896. Eventually, his martyred death proved to be the catalyst that precipitated the Philippine revolution and the downfall of the Spanish colonial rule.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why Can’t Kmart Be Successful While Target and Walmart Thrive?

What drives some companies to succeed while others languish? Successful companies develop a system of a few truly unique capabilities that help them create differentiated value for their chosen customers. Retailers provide many case studies in capabilities-driven success, one of the most compelling of which is the big discounter triad of Walmart, Target and Kmart. And in this fourth-quarter retail season, we thought it would be helpful to take a closer look at what really distinguishes these competitors because they provide valuable insight into the key components of a winning corporate strategy. We believe that all successful companies — Walmart and Target included — know precisely how they provide value for customers. They make a deliberate choice about their â€Å"way to play† in the market, guided primarily by what those companies do uniquely well: their distinctive capabilities. We define capabilities not as â€Å"people capabilities,† but as the interconnected people, knowledge, systems, tools and processes that create differentiated value. They then select a set of products and services that best leverage those unique capabilities and optimally suit their chosen way to play. Most important, they avoid markets, products or services that require new or disparate capabilities, and thus threaten the company's focus. Focus for us, therefore, is not about picking just one market, but rather about choosing one coherent way of competing. The true story about Walmart's and Target's success is that they have gone to great lengths to focus internally on building capabilities and product offerings that suit their way to play. Kmart, by contrast, has failed to develop a unique or differentiated way to play, and all that goes with it. Let's take a closer look. Walmart's success doesn't just stem from impressive logistics, aggressive vendor management and its position as a low-cost retailer. What really underlies Walmart's advantage is a coherent and differentiated approach to the market. †¢ Their well-defined way to play focuses on â€Å"always low prices† for a wide range of consumer items, from food to prescriptions to electronics. †¢ They support their low-cost way to play with an integrated system of capabilities, including: real estate acquisition; no frills store design; and superior supply chain management involving among others expert point-of-sale data analytics. Their product and service mix is kept tightly aligned with their way to play and capabilities system: avoiding big-ticket items (e. g. , furniture or large appliances) where it has no cost advantage, or where new service capabilities might be required. And it innovates constantly within its chosen constraints: e. g. , tailoring product assortments to loca l trends. Target caters to a similar â€Å"money-saving† market, but offers a very different value proposition, focuses on different capabilities and has a different product portfolio. Target's way to play emphasizes design-forward apparel and home decor for image-conscious consumers. Everything from store layout to advertising to inventory conveys an eye for style. †¢ Its capabilities system supports this way to play with image advertising, â€Å"mass prestige† sourcing (with the use of private brand and exclusive offerings), pricing, and the management of urban locations. †¢ In product and service mix, Target is similar to Walmart in many ways, but Target satisfies the needs of its younger, image-conscious shoppers by stocking more furniture, clothing and exclusive designer merchandise than Walmart. Kmart, the least successful of the group, is struggling to define its way to play, describing itself as a â€Å"mass merchandising company that offers customers quality products through a portfolio of exclusive brands and labels. † Yet, that definition could describe just about any retailer. As a Walmart customer, you know you'll save money and still feel welcome. At Target, you know you'll get fashionable products at prices that feel reasonable. What, then, is Kmart's niche? Walk through a Kmart store and you'll discover designers like Jaclyn Smith in the low-budget ambience of a warehouse. They carry Kenmore appliances, which may require high-touch sales assistance that many Sears customers expect and many Kmart stores lack. In short, Kmart has not established an identifiable way to play that reflects both customers' needs and its own capabilities. Harry Cunningham, the founder of Kmart, allegedly admitted that Sam Walton (the founder of Walmart) â€Å"not only copied our concepts, he strengthened them. † The lack of a clear concept about how to reach the market, in our view, is the single most important factor in explaining why Kmart's fortunes have fallen so far, compared to its two rivals. Without a clear way to play, and capabilities to support it, a company cannot achieve the coherence it needs to truly excel at what it does, and thus outpace competitors. http://blogs. hbr. org/cs/2010/12/why_cant_kmart_be_successful_w. html Kmart (sometimes stylized as K-Mart), is an American chain of discount stores headquartered in the United States. The chain purchased Sears in 2005, forming a new corporation under the name Sears Holdings Corporation. The company was founded in 1962 and is the third largest discount store chain in the world, behind Walmart and Target, with stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands, and Guam (which houses the world's largest Kmart). [2] As of January 29, 2011, Kmart operated a total of 1,307 (6 closing by early 2011) Kmart stores across 49 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U. S. Virgin Islands. This store count included 1,278 discount stores, averaging 93,000 sq ft (8,600 m2), and 29 Super Centers, averaging 169,000 sq ft (15,700 m2). [3] Kmart became known for its â€Å"Blue Light Specials. † They occurred at surprise moments when a store worker would light up a mobile police light and offer a discount in a specific department of the store. At the height of Kmart's popularity, the phrase â€Å"attention Kmart shoppers† also entered into the American pop psyche, appearing in films and other media such as Troop Beverly Hills, Six Days Seven Nights, Rain Man, Beetlejuice, and Dawn of the Dead. Kmart's world headquarters was located in Troy, Michigan, but since the purchase of Sears, has been relocated to Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Kmart also exists in Australia and New Zealand (see Kmart Australia), although it now has no relation to the American stores except in name, after U. S. equity in the Australian business was purchased in the late 1970s. https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kmart As outlined in â€Å"Private Equity May Be The Only Way To Save Sears,† as restructuring and turnaround advisers and investors, we here at ACM Partners are often asked about the big retail â€Å"stories of the day† (meaning companies on the brink of distress). GAP, Tiffany & Co. and now Sears and Kmart are the most recent â€Å"big cases† we’ve received the majority of inquiries about. Here, then, is our take on what’s in store for Kmart (which hedge fund manager Eddie Lampert officially took control of in 2003, post-bankruptcy): Do we need Kmart anymore? While â€Å"during the early years, Kmart was the fastest-growing of the â€Å"big three† discounters (Kmart, Wal-Mart and Target), easily outpacing their key competition,† Kmart, like its parent-company Sears (which acquired the discount retailer in 2005), has lost significant market share through a ombination of poor market strategy and by being â€Å"squeezed out† by â€Å"sexier† (ie Target) or more affordable (ie Wal-Mart) competitors. In short, â€Å"Kmart is trapped between Wal-Mart and Target, becoming the merchandiser in the middle — and ultimately, the discounter in the muddle. † On the consumer side, it's difficult to say Kmart would be particularly missed – since the retailer provides few unique product or experiential offerings – except in geographic areas particularly dependent on the retailer. On a personal note, while I worked at a Kmart as a teenager, I don't believe I've stepped foot in one in more than decade (nor would have any particular reason to). I do, however, visit Target almost monthly. If yes, can Kmart be turned around? What does the executive team need to do? Here, then, it's a question again of â€Å"Where did Kmart go wrong? † Let's take a look at some core areas in which Kmart could generate a turnaround. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy: Kmart failed to see the writing on the retail wall before initially filing bankruptcy in 2002 (and, some would argue, continues to ignores it). All retailers, even discount ones, must have a coherent pricing-and-product strategy in order to appeal to core consumers. As the brand stands now, Kmart offers very little in terms of â€Å"must-have† items for any particular consumer segment. †¢ Management â€Å"Expansion†: By all accounts, Kmart is an exceptionally insular company, meaning very few outsid ers have been brought in to â€Å"refresh† the store's brand. Consequently, errors in judgment and purchasing have been magnified by continued mismanagement, while fights and fiefdoms have prevented the company from moving forward into the 21st century. Instead of squeezing every last penny from the dying brand, Lampert must insist on reviving both methods and management if Kmart is to reassert its relevance. †¢ Logistics: As a discount player, Kmart has lost nearly every round of the logistics game, from management of its supply-chain to in-store sku measurements. For instance, because Kmart measured potential profitability by gross margin ercentages rather than by sales-per-square, the retailer has and continues to stock higher-margined goods in place of faster-moving products, leading to a decrease in inventory turn-over. Furthermore, inefficient ordering and supply-chain management means everything's cost more and arrives later than at Kmart's competitors. Combine these factors, and you get a dying retailer on the brink of disappearing from the American landscape. Like we outlined in â€Å"Private Equity May Be Only Way To Save Sears,† â€Å"With a market cap of only $3. 5 billion, it wouldn’t be tough to get the financing for a going-private transaction † for Sears Holdings Corporate. In short, the market is not going to allow a $40B+ asset-based retailer simply disappear. Ergo, once again, private equity may end up being the only answer for what ails these dying retailers. Margaret Bogenrief is a partner with ACM Partners , a boutique crisis management and distressed investing firm serving companies and municipalities in financial distress. She can be reached at [email  protected] com.