Monday, September 30, 2019

Isotoner Case Brief Essay

Facts of the Case: LaNisa Allen appealed the original judgment in favor of Totes/Isotoner Corporation on the issue of whether the Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act, as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, prohibits an employer from discriminating against a female employee because of or on the basis of lactation. Relevant law associated includes whether Allen established a prima facie case of â€Å"sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy,† or whether she â€Å"was simply and plainly terminated as an employee at will for taking an unauthorized, extra break.† Allen’s original complaint was termination attributable to discrimination, based on pregnancy and related conditions, even though Isotoner claimed to have released her for failure to â€Å"follow directions.† Evidence admitted in Allen’s disposition of taking unauthorized breaks for a two week period, which constituted the failure to follow directions, confirmed the trial courts summary judgment. As the trial court granted judgment to Isotoner, the Twelfth District Court of Appeals followed suit, as Allen admitted to ignoring directions and failed to establish a prima facie case of sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and it’s after effects. Issues: Although the lower courts concentrated upon the apparent facts of the case, especially â€Å"Whether Allen’s unauthorized breaks to pump her breast in order to avoid lactation constituted as sex discrimination†; a more superior issue arises from this case. Assuming a proper prima facie case was established, â€Å"Is purported discrimination due to lactation included within the range of Ohio’s employment-discrimination statute, R.C. 4112.02, as sex discrimination under R.C. 4112.01(B)?† Decision s: Ruling of the initial appeal of judgment in favor of Totes/Isotoner Corporation for discrimination Allen was affirmed. Subsequently, the Supreme Court of Ohio did not touch the issue of whether purported discrimination due to lactation is included within the range of Ohio’s employment-discrimination statute, R.C. 4112.02, as sex discrimination under R.C. 4112.01(B). An opinion of whether they thought this discrimination did fall in that range was included in Judge O’Connor’s judgment. Reasoning: Rationale leading the judges in a majority opinion to affirm the initial judgment, stemmed from the failure of Allen to develop a record from which a jury could find in her favor. However, several  of the judges felt â€Å"lactation is a physical condition associated with pregnancy and childbirth, hence the FEPA, as amended by the Ohio PDA, prohibits discrimination against females because they are lactating.† It is proposed that the Supreme Court of Ohio should reach the merits to clarify the laws. Separate Opinions: Judgment was affirmed by Judges Lundberg Stratton, O’Donnell, and Cupp, JJ. , as they believed Allen was discharged for taking unauthorized breaks from her scheduled employment. Since Allen failed to present evidence of a discriminatory motive from Isotoner, or that reason for releasing her from employment was a ground for discrimination, Lundberg Stratton, O’Donnell, and Cupp, JJ. felt only the issues presented by the facts of Isotoner discharging Allen due to ‘unauthorized breaks’ should be decided on, while issues of the facts not directly placed on issue should only be responded to with advisory opinion. Judges Moyer, C.J. and O’Connor J. concurred in the foregoing judgment only. They assert lactation to fall within the scope of R.C. 4122.01(B) and that the statute prohibits employment discrimination against lactating women. Also, they oppose the claim of opinions regarding issues not directly placed on issue to be strictly advisory. â€Å"A cause will become moot only when it becomes impossible for a [***627] tribunal to grant meaningful relief, even if it were to rule in favor of the party seeking relief.† Moyer, C.J, and O’Connor J. claim these indirect issues to be live, not as remote possibilities or based on controversies that may never occur. Their assertion that â€Å"lactation is a physical condition associated with pregnancy and childbirth, hence the FEPA, as amended by the Ohio PDA, prohibits discrimination against females because they are lactating† is fully discussed. Dissent is issued by Judge Peifer, J. as he declares the question needed answered by Ohioans was not resolute. Peifer, J. claimed â€Å"the court should analyze the case by asking (1) whether the plaintiff stated a cognizable cause of action and (2) whether the facts support the alleged cause of action.† Emphasis was placed by Peifer, J. on the circumstance of unclear facts of the case such as why Allen’s unscheduled restroom breaks outside of scheduled break times were different from restroom trips made by coworkers outside of their scheduled break times. Also, Judge Peifer argued that cases should be accepted not because of how the result might affect the parties in the individual case, but because of how a holding might affect other persons similarly situated. Peifer held â€Å"employment discrimination due to lactation as unlawful pursuant to R.C. 4112.01(B), that clear public policy justifies an exception to the employment-at-will doctrine for women fired for reasons relating to lactation, and that LaNisa Allen deserves the opportunity-due to the state of the record-to prove her claim before a jury.† Analysis: The significance of this case relates to the importance of establishing suitable evidence for a prima facie case and also to ruling on issues brought forward by cases. Although the affirmed judgment in favor of Isotoner was applicable due to Allen’s failure to provide evidence of sex discrimination related to after effects of pregnancy, it is important for courts to reach a decision on such cases the holding will/has affected other persons similarly situated. Similar cases of discharge or unpaid circumstances have been previously governed, including Fejes v. Gilpin Ventures, Inc. 960 F. Supp 1487and Martinez v. N.B.C. Inc. 49 F.Supp.2d 305l, among others. Therefore sex discrimination due to the aftereffects of pregnancy affects many individuals in Ohio and throughout the United States, and therefore a ruling of whether purported discrimination due to lactation is included within the range of Ohio’s employment-discrimination statute, R.C. 4112.02, as sex discrimination under R.C. 4112.01(B) is vital in reducing sex discrimination in the workplace.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Big Corporations, Big Lawsuits Essay

Introduction The lawsuit over the defective design of Firestone tires put on Ford Explorers was perhaps the most publicised event when a company was sued for defective produce. This defect also resulted in a large number of accidents causing over 200 deaths and 700 injuries in the US alone, in addition to accidents in Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, the Arab Gulf Coast, and East Asia. The massive tire recall by Ford and Firestone on August 9, 2000, sent ripples through the American public and added fuel to the legal fire, causing both manufacturers and the public to rethink many issues. Summary of the Lawsuit On August 9, 2000, â€Å"Ford Motor Company and Bridgestone/Firestone jointly announced a recall in the United States of approximately 6.5 million ATX, ATXII and Wilderness AT tires made in Decatur, Illinois because of tread separation problems† (Eto, 2006). This recall came after the increased incidence of driver deaths in accidents in which Ford Exlorers rolled over triggered widespread public concern. At the time, the company was already faced with multimillion lawsuits. For instance, the lawyers for Edelio and Norma Herrera who died in May 2000 overturning in their Ford Explorer on the way from Disneyland demanded $1 billion from Firestone (BBC). The lawsuits filed, for instance, by the law firm Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP, were based on the claim that Firestone and Ford were guilty because it had failed to address the concerns in the testing process. Thus, on June 15, 1989, the auto maker’s engineers prepared a report to the company management in which they â€Å"recommended eight design changes to address the rollover problem and improve the safety of the Explorer† (Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP, 2006). However, the management refused to make the major improvements recommended by engineers, willing to complete the design by the previously announced deadline. Impact on the Corporate World The lawsuit triggered a nation-wide discussion about the liability of auto manufacturers, business ethics, the need to produce quality products, and the regulation of the industry. The fact that Ford’s management had accelerated production at the expense of safety concerns only to face billions of dollars in lawsuits and a major blow to their reputation later on was a lesson to many managers. The way Firestone and Ford were heaping blame on each other was also an important lesson of how companies should not handle a scandal. To demonstrate commitment to improvement, Ford, for instance, â€Å"ended its relationship with the tyre-maker† (BBC, 2001). The scandal affected one of the largest US auto manufacturers, causing the resignation of its Chief Executive Officers, Jacques Nasser. Impact on Regulations The lawsuits have also alerted the American public and regulators at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that new, tougher laws on safety standards have to be adopted. In 2000, US Congress adopted new legislature that aimed to raise safety standards. However, it was clear that such laws should have been adopted long ago when the danger of rollover crashes in SUVs became apparent. The law required tire makers to submit to the regulators far more information about their produce than before. Impact on the Companies The lawsuits that have been partially successful and partially settled out of court cost both companies, especially Firestone a lot. Thus, the tyre manufacturer found itself spending over â€Å"$1.6 billion in 2001 due to the recall and litigation costs† (Online Lawyer Source, 2004). The company spent $149 million to settle 30 class-action suits all over the US. In 2001, Ford warned its shareholders that â€Å"it could face up to $10bn in lawsuits arising from the Ford Explorer deaths† (BBC, 2001). The result was disastrous publicity for both companies. Firestone in particular took a long time to recover. As of 2004, it was spending several times more on recovering publicity than in the year before (Online Lawyer Source, 2004). Conclusion Thus, the scandal resulted in massive financial losses for the two companies involved and blows to their corporate images. It also made the public pay closer attention to manufacturers’ ethical decision-making. On the government level, safety standards had been strengthened resulting in increased requirements for manufacturers. References Eto, G.C. (2006). Firestone Tire Recall. Retrieved April, 1, 2006, from BBC. (2001, June 17). Firestone faces $1bn lawsuit. Retrieved April, 1, 2006, from Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP. (2006). Ford Explorer Rollover Danger – 2006 Update. Retrieved April, 1, 2006, from Online Lawyer Source. (2004). Firestone Recall Information. Retrieved April, 1, 2006, from   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Financial Report Degree Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Financial Report Degree - Case Study Example Monsoon plc deals in branded variety of clothing, footwear and accessories comprising two major chains i.e., Monsoon and Accessorize. The company caters to a wide range of customers young and old, male and female, babies and children. Apart from clothing and accessories, the company also deals in home ware for instance, bed and bath lines, curtains, and other home products (Company Info, accessed 06.04.2006). Blacks Leisure plc is a high street chain of superstores engaged in outdoor clothing and footwear business all over the United Kingdom having around 104 stores across the country. The company has a diversified customer market and its store design reflect this orientation. It provides clothing and travelling products to a wide range of customers of all ages and kind. It deals in several brands and provides a range of products relating to the outdoor activities and adventure most specifically clothing, tents, outdoor equipments, accessories and instruments The comparison and evaluation presented in this report is significant in the sense that it practically employs a wide variety of financial ratios to assess the financial position and performance of both the companies. ... This comparison would assist these users in forming a rationale for their major decision-making i.e., strategic planning, investment and funds lending etc. RATIO ANALYSIS- BLACKS LEISURE GROUP PLC & MONSOON PLC Ratio analysis is the best tool to evaluate a company's performance and identify problems (Meigs & Meigs, 1993). Riahi-Belkaoui (1998) comments that financial ratios are meant to make the information in financial statements interpretable for the various users of financial statements. Similarly, we will assess and analyse the financial position and performance of the two companies Blacks Leisure plc and Monsoon plc using a broad array of financial ratios from the viewpoints of management, lenders and investors separately. Analysis For Management Management needs to analyse its performance and efforts put into the corporate affairs through the company's financial results so as to realise their strengths and weaknesses. Riahi-Belkaoui (1998, p11) says, "the profitability ratios portray ability of the firm to efficiently use the capital committed by stockholders and lenders to generate revenues in excess of expenses". Therefore, the analysis from the management aspect has been done with the help of following profitability ratios: Ratios Blacks Leisure Plc Monsoon Plc Gross Profit Ratio 53.07% 61.51% Net Profit Ratio 6.54% 15.66% Return on Capital Employed 20.23% 42.76% The Gross Profit Margin Percentage evaluates the percentage of profit earned by a company on sales after the production and distribution activities (Mcmenamin, 1999). It shows how well the company manages its expenses so as to attain maximum profit out of its total sales. Monsoon plc's gross profit ratio of 61.51% reflects that the company

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organismic Responses to Climate Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organismic Responses to Climate Change - Essay Example n corals are highly affected by the impacts and effects that result from high sea temperatures and the increased acidification that may affect the ocean waters as an effect of the climate change. These corals therefore experience bleaching and contract diseases, which in most cases often lead to their death (Parmesan, Camille, Michael, Carlos, Elvira, Anthony, David, and Michael, 2013, p 59). The Ringed Seal face challenges f reproduction because of climate change. This is due to the melting of the ice blocks that are their habitats and their breeding paces. This particular effect of climate change is majorly experienced in the Arctic region environment (Doney, Scott , Mary, Emmett, James, Francis, Chad, Heather et al, 2012, p 21). The leatherback turtle are also highly affected by the increased sand temperatures that distorts the egg incubation period hence leading to a lower male population being hatched. Moreover, their natural habitat where the turtles nest on the beaches is washed away due to the increase and rise in the seal levels, high and increased ocean and air temperatures (Parmesan, Camille, Michael, Carlos, Elvira, Anthony, David, and Michael, 2013, p 60). Emperor penguins are highly affected by the rise in the sea temperatures and melting ice blocks. It therefore makes it difficult for them to get food and disrupts their breeding patterns. It therefore can contribute to their gradual extinction environment (Doney, Scott , Mary, Emmett, James, Francis, Chad, Heather et al, 2012, p 25). Quiver Trees are highly affected by the extreme drought incidents, which majorly affects the equator parts where they are distributed. There population is gradually decreasing. These species of plants therefore becomes a representation of plants and other vegetation that struggle to keep up with the accelerated effects of climate change (Parmesan, Camille, Michael, Carlos, Elvira, Anthony, David, and Michael, 2013, p 60). The habitats of Clownfish, which are coral

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wiki Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wiki - Assignment Example The journey was influenced by a vision that Xuanzang experienced even after official refusal to travel by Emperor Taizong on grounds of safeguarding national security, Xuanzang’s state-supported decision (Hwui-Li 28). The travel chronological of Xuanzang was as a result of the conflicting Chinese traditional principles and his adherence to the doctrines of Buddhism. Chinese followed filial piety and Confucian orthodoxy, but on the other hand, Buddhism advocated for Monatic discipline and Mahayana progressivism. Having undergone a confusion education system, Xuanzang sought to re-define the philosophies of Buddhism by going to the cradle land of Buddhism, India. Travel tales of Xuanzang, therefore, allow the audience to actualize the travel experiences of Xuanzang, in relation to the influential people he met in his journey and the resultant imperial and scholastic elements of the Buddhism in China (Wriggins 21). During his journey, Xuanzang encountered different societies, each with their own traditional influence, Confucianism, Persian and Buddhis. Upon arrival in India at the Nalanda monastery, his incorporation as a Silabhadra disciple incorporated his observations in previous societies encountered to the taught philosophies at the monastery. India and China acknowledged his histrorian influence. In India, Xuanzang ousted notable Buddhist Indian potentates, Brahmins, Jains and heterodox Buddhists. Back in China, Xuanzang became the historian of the day. Even after leaving as an imperial fugitive, Emperor Taizong acknowledged his historical influence all over central Asia, influencing huge Chinese populations to adopt his Buddhist ideologies (Hwui-Li 182). The reception from the different people he countered in his journey amused him, while bad encounters such as robbers and the Gobi Desert were the challenges along his route. During his journey, Xuanzang encountered a tale that almost resembled Greek tragedy. While at Silk Road,

How to graduate high school students with a sense of pride and Essay

How to graduate high school students with a sense of pride and accomplishment - Essay Example The beginning and end of the school year are ideal times to focus on dreams and goals. Heres an activity set for starting and ending the school year right.† (Begin....) At every stage of life, dreams are important but the dream of a student is more important. It is the dream of the combustible younger generation, and it has a strong impact on the future life of students. The teachers are aware of this fact. Strong motivation and encouraging words play important role. Let us examine the following two motivational sentences. Dear is to be lived in its trials, tribulations, in duty and in beauty. My best wishes are with you always. May you accomplish all your dreams. May you get what you deserve in life.--highly encouraging. Perhaps these words will be remembered for life, by a student. The teachers should help to provide a realistic attitude to students to face the vicissitudes of life. Painting a rosy picture about their future lives will not serve any purpose. Give them correct assessments. Give them a dream; give them a goal. Without a goal, the life of students will be directionless and destination-less. As students, they are, let us say, strolling on the sea-shore. On graduation, they need to plunge to take the sea-bath. The students must be encouragingly told—now that you are going for the sea bath, be not afraid of the oncoming waves. If the waves are powerful, duck them; if the waves are friendly dance with them; when the waves are normal, swim your way further! Bid your time, know your direction! In college days, the students learn the theory of art of living. Beyond that they need a fresh start as the time has arrived to translate into action the theory knowledge. What is theory after all? It is other mans experience! The students need to be told through encouraging words that they are on the threshold of negotiating rough and tough turns in their lives. They need to be mentally prepared for good, better and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trusts Law. Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts Essay

Trusts Law. Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts - Essay Example Secular Society†2, Lord Parker was of the view that â€Å"benefit to individuals should be an essential ingredient of a trust or must be in that category of gifts which the courts identify as charitable.† In â€Å"Re Recher's Will Trusts†, Brightman J was of the view that as there is no beneficiary, a non-charitable trust is void. â€Å"Just as a rail requires an engine, so a trust requires a recipient†3. In â€Å"Astor's Settlement Trusts†, it was held by Roxburgh J that due to lack of a beneficiary, every non-charitable trust is void4 For a pure purpose, a private purpose trust (for instance, a trust to advance a cause) may be established where there will no single beneficiary to enjoy the benefits or for the advantages of an unquantifiable group of people (for instance, a trust to construct a playground for a school). A private, non-charitable purpose trust of the first type mentioned above will always be annulled, since it is not enforceable by a nybody. As opposed, a charitable trust is always a purpose trust and hence, enforceable and there will no problem in enforcing the same as the Attorney-General will have locus standi to litigate. 5. Though, there exists a general rule which appears to forbid purpose trusts in the non-charitable background, there are, some scenarios in which non-charitable purpose ? trusts have been endorsed in English law, and these can be detailed as follows: If confined to a perpetuity period, trusts for the prolongation of other non-charitable, religious ceremonies / rites may well be held valid. For instance, a gift for the recital of ceremonies namely Sin Chew (worship of ancestor) so as to disseminate the testator's reminiscence during the perpetuity period was upheld by the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlement in â€Å"Khoo Cheng Teow, Re†6.The House of Lords in â€Å"Bourne v Kean†e7 which viewed such trusts for the saying of masses as valid and clearly held it to be charita ble. This research essay will analyse in detail the validity of such non-charitable trust under English law and will recommend suitable amendments in English Trust laws to give legal sanctity to such non-charitable trust. Analyse Since the gift encourages an essential part of religion, namely, the saying of prayers, a gift for the saying of prayer of masses in public is held to be charitable. Though, saying cannot be established to beneficial to the mankind per se, but are supposed to offer an adequate element of public benefit. The prima facie hypothesis that is made is that prayers mentioned by a settlor in an inter viva or a will instrument are supposed to be said in public as held in â€Å"Re Caus†8. In â€Å"Re Hetherington†9 , and in this case, a testatrix by her will had bequeathed ? 2,000 for saying of â€Å" masses for the souls of her parents , sisters, husband and herself† It was held that trust was valid as it was for the advancement of religion10. T hough, in, it was held by Roxburgh J that due to lack of a beneficiary, every non-charitable trust is void but the English law has conventionally permitted four fundamental varieties of testamentary private purpose trust where it has been held that non-charitable trust even without beneficiaries can be held valid under the following scenarios. †¢ The upholding of specific animals; †¢ The building and preservation of private tombs, graves and monuments; †¢ The conducting other religious ceremony in private or saying of masses and †¢ The encouragement of fox-hunting Purpose trusts emanating in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Human resource planningorganisational culture Essay

Human resource planningorganisational culture - Essay Example In this paper, the researcher undertakes field work on the important elements and aspects of the human resource management unit of Hunts Transport. This research includes an exegesis on the human resource management elements of the company. In doing this, the following objectives are explored: In doing this research, the writer undertook a detailed fieldwork on the important elements and factors of the company. This was done through various methods of taking information on important components of the company through direct enquiry to attain primary data for the paper. The paper also involved a critical analysis of the findings in relation to important facts and figures that relate to human resource management. This is used to interpret the data and provide a detailed analysis of the way things are done in the company. From the analysis, conclusions and inferences are draw. Data is acquired through the collection of information and important elements and aspects that relate to the company. This is done in three parts. The first part involves a structured interview with the HR manager of Hunts Transport. The interview include an acquisition of information relating to important aspects of the company that define the human resource unit of Hunts Transport and its relation to other components of the business like the strategic plan of the company. These findings are subjected to further scrutiny in the second part which involves questionnaires that would be sent to a large percentage of the people in the company. This will be questions that would inquire about important elements and aspects of the application of the HR systems and how they relate to these individual members of the organisation. Finally, the research would involve a focus group interview that would take cross-sectional information about participants chosen from different units of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Manager interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Manager interview - Essay Example Richard Branson has expanded his entrepreneurial efforts and diversified his companies to more than 30 countries that include Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Europe and South Africa. Some of the companies under Virgin Group include Virgin Atlantic airlines, Virgin Media, Virgin Trains, Virgin Music, Virgin Radio, Virgin mobile USA, Virgin Cola, and Virgin Brides (Hellriegel and Slocum 35). Branson engages in several sporting activities as evidenced by crossing of the Atlantic in Virgin Atlantic Challenger II in 1986, hot air balloon crossing in 1987 and sponsorship of various sporting events and teams across the world. Richard Branson is in the top management of Virgin Group and has both human skills and conceptual skills. He has diversified the operations of the companies through various strategies in order to attain high global market share. He has effectively managed organizational behavior through influencing the efforts of employees, transformational leadership , commitment to the organizational objective, motivating the staff and ensuring effective communication in the organization. Accordingly, Richard Branson is good at decision-making and management of stress in the organization (Hellriegel and Slocum 36). ... Answer: Richard Branson claimed that he is capable of controlling negative feelings and emotions. He claimed that he was open to challenges, new experiences and perceives failures as learning opportunities. Richard Branson went further to assert that emotional intelligence entails self-awareness, respect for others and emotional stability in order to regulate both one’s emotions and those of colleagues in the organization. . c) What are the critical values that are central to your success as a business leader? Answer: He outlined that commitment, self-confidence, tolerance, persuasiveness and positive attitude are some of the values that have enabled him grow successful enterprises and enter competitive niche markets across several industries. He claimed that his commitment to success is evident in his record-breaking crossing of Virgin Atlantic and numerous innovative products that Virgin Group has offered to its clients. d) How do you deal and handle criticism? Answer: He cl aimed that he perceives criticism as productive and essential to innovativeness and creativity. He is positive about constructive criticism and is open to challenges and new ideas that aim at ensuring organizational learning and implementation of innovative solutions to various societal problems. e) What is your approach to management of conflicts in your organization? Answer: Richard Branson started by outlining that conflicts in the organization are inevitable due to task conflicts, differences in personality, cultural differences and differing opinions. He claimed that he is capable of making conflicts constructive through enabling conflicting parties understand the sources of conflicts, encouraging cooperation and collaboration in solving the conflicts

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gendering Childhood Essay Example for Free

Gendering Childhood Essay Toy stores are places where the gender of different children is being shaped – be it femininity, masculinity or gender-neutrality – according to the current ideas of society and culture about gender. It is therefore evident that toy stores are actually catalysts to the ongoing ideas about a certain kind of gender. In terms of gender-neutral toys, toy stores can be seen as a channel for interaction or equality between the sexes, although this is only seen some of the toys intended for toddlers and teens, and the toys that are digital/computer-based such as educational toys and consoles. In most toy stores, there are clear divisions and may even be separated and placed on opposite ends of the store. There are also sections where it is not clear whether or not the intention is for either gender. The toy stores are also divided depending on the age of those who are going to buy them. Usually, the age is progressive as one goes deeper into the store from the most simple of dolls and balls for one-year olds to the complex digital, computerized toys that can span from the age of seven and up. Looking at the store itself, the general theme of a certain section can actually point to whether or not the section is intended for boys, girls or neither gender. It is seen in many ways including the color scheme of the section, the featured toys and, sometimes, even the salespersons manning the section. However, the toy stores aren’t explicit in their customers in terms of labeling a section either for boys or for girls. Most of the signs in the sections are only implicit in the themes that they take. Gender neutral sections are often filled with toys that are educational and electronic gadgets. Also, gender neutral sections often have neutral colors such as white and silver as opposed to the gendered colors of pink and blue. They are also often seen in the middle of the gendered section. In terms of packaging, some of the toys are explicit in their intended customers by showing either boys or girls playing with the toys they are selling printed on the boxes. Gender neutral toys are often printed with both a girl and a boy on the cover, cooperating or looking very intrigued as they play or tinker with the toys. Other gender-neutral toys have neither child involved but only a feature of the product without any action that denotes the culture’s (in this case, America’s) notion of femininity or masculinity. The colors are neutral – often just a white background – and does not feature any actions that could be seen as either soft (feminine) or hard (masculine). A gendered toy’s packaging, on the other hand, has an implicit message conveyed on the box. Action, competition, adrenaline, and the macho effect are often portrayed in the boxes of boys’ toys in the boys’ section. On the girls’ section, flowers, happy homes, cute and sexy themes seem to dominate the shelves; often, older themes of make-up and fashion are being made as toys, as if pushing for girls to be women at a younger age. Going further into the connection of age and gendered toys, there seems to be a pattern concerning gendering them with respect to age. This is not to say, however, that other toys that don’t fall into these two categories are not gender neutral. There are also toys, most belonging to sports, which are gender-neutral. Toddlers usually have gender neutral toys intended for two things. The first involves amusement in the form of dolls and other soft items that they can chew on, throw, fall on and hit without causing them any harm or danger. Some of these toys may be gendered but many of them are not. The second is to educate them. These educational toys are completely gender-neutral as toy-makers consider the minds of either sex of the children as capable of processing basic information that they should learn, such as knowing what a cow is and what sounds they make. And since toys are not exactly limited to children, some toys that can have adults as audiences as well, such as game consoles and sports-oriented toys, are gender-neutral and are only gendered when it comes to the accessories and other things that they append to these toys. Some examples include the game cartridges. Because of gendering of the majority of toys in the formative years of the child, the idea of femininity and masculinity are instilled in society in an ongoing cycle. The current society’s ideal of masculinity are seen instilled in children in the early stages, dictating and instilling ideas on how girls and boys should be and how they should grow up to be. This forces them to conform to society’s current ideas of them aside from possible biological and other external influences that dictate children from their earliest years. Although gender preference may change in the later years, the influence of toys given to children – even if it is â€Å"feminine† toys given to boys – is a factor in how these children grow up to be.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Romantic Era And The Byronic Hero English Literature Essay

Romantic Era And The Byronic Hero English Literature Essay The Romantic Era and the Byronic Hero. During the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, literature and art as well as political philosophy were deeply influenced by new ideas about individualism and citizen rights. The American and French Revolutions illustrate the power and volatility of these new ideas. Although the term Romantic wasnt applied to this period until many decades later, the writers of this period expressed a sense of collective intellectual energy that they called the spirit of the age.†It was a time for questioning the status quo, challenging conventions of social hierarchy, and elevating the value of the common man and woman. Romantic writers reflected on the beauty of the natural world as a means of discovering, illuminating, and articulating their own insights about human nature. Their writing frequently included scathing critiques of social injustices, mainly associated with growing urbanization; meanwhile, they idealized rural landscapes and lifestyle s. Many of these authors were profoundly influenced by Miltons poetic works, especially  Paradise Lost. For example, William Blakes  Songs of Innocence and Experience  juxtaposes poetic visions of the world first through the eyes of a child, or innocent, and then through experienced eyes that recognize sin and inhumanity as part of the human fallen condition. As mentioned in the readings, Blake argued that Miltons Satan was the true hero of  Paradise Lost, and many of his contemporaries agreed with him. Miltons Satan inspired a new figure in English literature: the Byronic Hero. In this lesson, we will read several defenses of this rebellious and misunderstood, tragic character. In particular, we will investigate how this figure informs Mary Shelleys famous gothic novel,  Frankenstein. During the Romantic period, the art form of the novel became increasingly popular, in conjunction with a growing reading public. Some of the most famous and influential novels of this era include Jane Austins satiric novels of sensibility and manners, Walter Scotts historical novels, and Mary Shelleys critique of science and society in  Frankenstein. Most of us are familiar with the monstrous figure of Frankenstein from popular culture: film and television images. Mary Shelleys original creature was conceived in the aftermath of the French Revolution and the subsequent bloodshed that shocked and disillusioned many of the initial supporters of this revolution. Note that the name Frankenstein refers specifically to the scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who created a living Creature. The relationship between Victor and the Creature offers a complex commentary on the duties and responsibilities of both a creator and the created, which invites comparisons with Miltons depiction of the rel ationships between God, Adam and Eve, and Satan. Shelley interweaves the Biblical narrative of the Fall in Genesis with the Greek myth of Prometheus, another creation myth about duty, betrayal and punishment. Furthermore,  Frankenstein  explores themes of pride and ambition by combining these grand epic narratives with Shelleys own personal experiences of procreation, parenting, and death. Lesson Four Reading Assignment Readings: In  Masters of British Literature  (Longman, Vol. B), skim â€Å"The Romantics and their Contemporaries†, (pp. 3-28). Also read: William Wordsworth, â€Å"The World is too much with us†; â€Å"London 1802† (231-2); â€Å"Manfred’ and Its Time: The Byronic Hero† (386-7); and Coleridge, â€Å"Satanic Pride and Rebellious Self-Idolatry† (392-3) In the Longman Cultural Edition of Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein, please read Susan Wolfson’s introduction (pp. xvii-xxii) before you read the novel. Then read Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein  (the 1818 edition). And, then read the excerpts in â€Å"God, Adam, and Satan† (301-322). Reading Questions: As you read the novel, consider the following questions: What is the effect on the reader of learning about Victor’s story through the third-person, Walton, and his letters to his sister? On page 34, Victor images the gratitude that his creation will feel towards him. How does he respond, on page 37, when he actually animates the body of his creation? How does Victors initial vision of being a creator differ from the reality throughout the rest of his tale? How would you describe Victors character? How is he perceived by other characters in the novel? At various points in the narrative do you find your allegiance shift from Victor to the Creature, or vice versa? Why might the author want the reader to feel sympathy for each of these characters? Traditionally, a novel will have a protagonist, or hero, and an antagonist, or villain. Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist in this work? Consider how this narrative evokes the story of the Garden of Eden, the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, the desire to be godlike, and the Fall from Grace. What is the effect of these allusions? How does this novel view science and the quest for knowledge? Does Walton learn anything from Victor’s tale? Is it significant that he acquiesces to his men’s desires to return to England? Lesson Four Writing Assignment Essay Assignment: Select one of the following essay prompts. After considering how you would answer each of the questions in the prompt, craft a thesis based on your answers and write a 5-page essay, supporting your selected topic. In Chapter VII of volume II, the Creature finds a bag of books, including Milton’s  Paradise Lost. How is the Creature affected by reading this epic poem as â€Å"true history† (98)? Shelley invites us to compare Victors creation with Miltons retelling of Genesis. How does this comparison influence our interpretation of  Frankenstein?  Is the Creature more similar to Adam or to Satan? Does Shelley’s novel encourage us to view Satan as a heroic rebel or the arch-fiend? Explain your answers with evidence from both  Paradise Lost  and  Frankenstein  and additional readings about the Romantic poets. Milton embellishes much of the Genesis story, but regarding the punishment of Eve, he restates the King James Bible text (Genesis 2:16) with almost no alteration or addition; Miltons God decrees to Eve: Thy sorrow I will greatly multiply By thy conception; children thou shalt bring In sorrow forth, and to thy husbands will Thine shall submit, he over thee shall rule. (Book X, lines 193-6) Mary Shelleys mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was a famous feminist who died from complications of childbirth soon after Mary was born. Mary Shelley suffered miscarriages and the early deaths of several of her own children. Many critics hypothesize that Shelleys experiences of birth and death greatly influenced her creation of  Frankenstein. They argue that Victors obsession with creating a human represents a desire to possess and/or circumvent human reproduction. In your essay, connect Victors desire to supplant human procreation to Eves temptation to possess knowledge and become godlike. How are their transgressions similar and different? How are their punishments similar and different? You might consider the theory of the Fortunate Fall† in your discussion. Discuss how the Romantic Poets interpreted Miltons  Paradise Lost. Explain the political and social events that influenced their ideas about God and Satan.   Refer to at least two examples from the poets writings in the Reading Assignment, as well as the scholarly commentary.  Then, consider Mary Shelleys incorporation of  Paradise Lost  into  Frankenstein.   Does her adoption of Milton reflect or challenge the ideas of what Susan Wolfson terms Romantic Satanism (p 301 in the Longman Cultural Edition of  Frankenstein)?   In other words, how does Shelleys novel respond to the Romantic Poets interpretation of Miltons epic poem? Paradise Lost (Paradise Lost) revealed human sin and corruption. The poem describes the rebellious angels of Satan. Adam and Eve were possessed by Satan, ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that God prohibited eating. Finally, Satan and his cohorts were turned into snakes. Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden. The poem reflects the poets freedom to pursue the lofty spirit. Satan had gathered many rebel angels under him. The poem describes how Satan and his angels fall into hell by the thunder and the heat of fire, after a while, he wakes from dizziness. Satan awakens all the same angles in Heaven, and they got up. Satan comforts them in the speech, inspiring them, finally he told them, according to an ancient prophecy or report in heaven, there is a new world and a new creature to be created. So they decided to hold a plenary session of the prophecy, and discussed countermeasures. At the beginning of the meeting, the first question is debated: it is necessary to take a risk of war to restore the kingdom of heaven. The final three take a proposal, which is Satan mentioned, to explore whether the prophecy or hagiography is correct. According to legend, the God is creating a new world and a new species, a creature with not much difference between them. The difficult question is who will be sent to do the difficult exploration. Their leader Satan alone bears the task, winning peoples admiration and applause. After the meeting, other members pursue pleasure randomly. In the journey of Satan through the hell gate, the door is closed, the person in charge of the gate talked with Satan. Finally, the man opened the door. Satan saw a big pit between the hell and the heaven, which is chaotic world. Under the guidance of the ordeal, he only went to see what hes looking for in new world. When Satan went into the new world, God seated on a throne saw. The God refers to the prophecy that Satan will seduce human, and his plot will succeed. Human beings are free, and there is resistance to temptation, sweeping all slander to justice, the ability of wisdom. He also claims; people commit crime because of many reasons. Satan is wandering edge of a wasteland for a while in the new universe. Seen from what is called empty border place, people and things soaring; then, he would fly to the sun. He first pretends to deform for junior angels, sincerely, to see a new world and live in one of these people. Under Youlies guidance, he flies to paradise. Satan finally reached the new world, and it landed in a survey of the garden of Eden place, where it has been close to his destination, he alone takes bold adventure, to be against God, man. The moment he got into all kinds of confusion, his heart occupies many strong emotions: jealousy, fear, despair and so on. But in the end he decided to implement the evil plans, along the radial paradise. He crossed the border, into a cormorant, squatting on the tree of life the highest office park, looking around. It is his first sight of Adam and Eve. His wonder at their beautiful appearance and the happy scene make him determined to make them fall. After eavesdropping on their conversation, knowing they were forbidden to eat the fruits from the park tree of knowledge, which can let them under penalty of death. He decided to start, entice them to transgress. He leaves here, trying to further understand the situation. As night falls, Adam and Eve want Gabriel to send an angel, sending two power ful angels to Adams house, to protect the sleep of Adam and Eve, lest suffering from evil. They found him on the ear of Eve, in her dream to seduce her. The devil was arrested on the spot, brought before Gabriel. When questioned, his attitude is very strong; but for the warning, flies out of paradise. After snooping the Satan has sinister motives, like a lost soul in the night and returns to paradise, into the inside body of sleeping serpent. In the morning Adam and Eve are out to work, and each person does the job by their own. Adam did not approve of it, worrying about the danger, which had been previously warned the enemy will seduce her at her when she was alone. Eve would not be as strong and decisive enough, so she wants to separate labor, to test her ability. Adam finally gave in. Seen her alone, snake skillfully came to her, close to her; at first look, then opening, said a lot of flattery, flattering her how outstanding she is. Eve, listening to what the snake spoke, became very curious, asking how he can speak like human beings, but also can also understand so well. The snake answered, that is because of eating fruit from a certain tree in the garden, which can also make people more rational. Eve asked him to have a look of that tree. She looks, what is unexpected is tha t this tree is the right tree of the knowledge that the God forbids her to eat. The snake is of strong courage, using many reasons to persuade her to try. She finally tries, feeling very delicious. She thought to let Adam have a taste of this thing. But she hesitated, finally decided to give him this fruit, and advised him to eat. Adam was frightened at first because this is forbidden. But finally he decided to eat the fruit. The forbidden fruit in the two persons takes effect, they feel ashamed; and they find something to cover their nakedness. Then two people quarrel with one another. God said: they are unable to prevent Satan going into the park. Sin and death, sitting in the gate of hell, are excited to find Satan succeeds in the new world of conspiracy, so they are determined to follow their father Satan. They followed their path according to Satan, building a road or bridge on the chaotic world. As they prepare to leave back to hell, they meet Satan, returning after a conceited triumphant. Satan successfully indulges in verbiage before all the people for human conspiracy. Audience only applauds. And they, like in the paradise, are suddenly transformed into a snake. In their eyes, the scene of the forbidden tree appeared, they stretched to pick the fruit, but full of dust.Sin and death still continue their work. Adam came to know of his degraded condition, deeply sad, and Eve comfort is also rejected by him. Eve adheres to persuade him. In order to avoid the curse fallen to his descendants, she advised Adam to use violence; he strongly opposed, but reminded her of her sons to revenge snake, thereby holding good hope, encouraging her to pray with him to appease the anger of god. Then Satan, in the snakes image, committed a terrible, hateful deception behavior in the garden. Milton has been very clever in describing this story. He uses the story to deliver a spirit of freedom. And he makes full use of this story to show his ideas.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Child Abuse and Recovered Memories :: Child Abuse and Traumatic Amnesia

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the past there was a vast gray area between the time and the substance of an alleged childhood sexual abuse and the subsequent recollection of that abuse. With the intense focus by psychiatric community and the criminal justice system to ascertain the truth, the grey lines are becoming more black and white. With the reliance more on scientific methodology and better methods of achieving memory recall there is less reason for jurors to question whether abuse occurred or not.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Traumatic amnesia is a documented, verifiable syndrome. The numerous studies that have been seen made , some concurrent with the sexual abuse, others come from memory recall of the abused are statistically reliable and evidentiary of the facts. Sexual abuse creates trauma that is impossible to duplicate in a laboratory setting because the emotional responses that are experienced by the abused are far more complex than anything that can be stimulated artificially. Our better understanding of memory and how it works is really new paradigms for differentiating traumatic ,memory recall from false memory (implanted ideas that are subsequently â€Å"recalled.†In the article by Ann Cossins (recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse- fact or fantasy?), Cossins builds an excellent foundation for the acceptance of memory recall to validate the existence of abuse while rejecting the proponents of FMS, as potentially unscientific and basing their â€Å"truths† to be the subjective judgements of the accused. To adhere to a belief that recalled memory of sexual abuse is not reliable. We know empirically that this is not true. To return to our question of the reliability of recovered memory from childhood, I would have to conclude that the recovered memory is reliable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The recent cases in our criminal justice system dealing with the abuse by Catholic priests of young boys have been successfully prosecuted because of our belief as a society that if it walks like a duck , talks like a duck, the chances are, it’s a duck. In the past, such abuse might never have come to light because of our predisposition to believe that a priest was not capable of such behavior. Child Abuse and Recovered Memories :: Child Abuse and Traumatic Amnesia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the past there was a vast gray area between the time and the substance of an alleged childhood sexual abuse and the subsequent recollection of that abuse. With the intense focus by psychiatric community and the criminal justice system to ascertain the truth, the grey lines are becoming more black and white. With the reliance more on scientific methodology and better methods of achieving memory recall there is less reason for jurors to question whether abuse occurred or not.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Traumatic amnesia is a documented, verifiable syndrome. The numerous studies that have been seen made , some concurrent with the sexual abuse, others come from memory recall of the abused are statistically reliable and evidentiary of the facts. Sexual abuse creates trauma that is impossible to duplicate in a laboratory setting because the emotional responses that are experienced by the abused are far more complex than anything that can be stimulated artificially. Our better understanding of memory and how it works is really new paradigms for differentiating traumatic ,memory recall from false memory (implanted ideas that are subsequently â€Å"recalled.†In the article by Ann Cossins (recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse- fact or fantasy?), Cossins builds an excellent foundation for the acceptance of memory recall to validate the existence of abuse while rejecting the proponents of FMS, as potentially unscientific and basing their â€Å"truths† to be the subjective judgements of the accused. To adhere to a belief that recalled memory of sexual abuse is not reliable. We know empirically that this is not true. To return to our question of the reliability of recovered memory from childhood, I would have to conclude that the recovered memory is reliable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The recent cases in our criminal justice system dealing with the abuse by Catholic priests of young boys have been successfully prosecuted because of our belief as a society that if it walks like a duck , talks like a duck, the chances are, it’s a duck. In the past, such abuse might never have come to light because of our predisposition to believe that a priest was not capable of such behavior.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Epic of Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

As the welcoming celebration for Beowulf goes on, Unferth begins to ridicule Beowulf about his swimming competition with Breca. Unferth is jealous and feels threatened by Beowulf " for he would not allow that any other man of middle-earth should ever achieve more glory under the heavens than himself." (Norton p. 33) Unferth is a very peculiar character. Although he has committed the horrific crime of killing his brother(s), he is privileged enough to sit at the feet of the king, a very respected position. His sin,an enormous violation of the comitatus, suggests that there is something wrong in Hrothgar's kingdom and perhaps helps to foreshadow its destruction. Ultimately, it will be destroyed, as the text says, by a fire after " sword-hate between son-in-law and father-in-law to awaken after murderous rage." (Norton p. 28). Unferth tries to put Beowulf down by saying that Beowulf once risked his life for pride and foolish boast. He also points out that Breca has beaten Beowulf in the swimming and that he therefore expects him to lose the fight with Grendel as well. Unferth is arrogant, obnoxious and the only one who challenges Beowulf. However, later when Beowulf fights with Grendel's mother, Unferth lends him his sword. This can be seen as a noble gesture, and a redemption of Unferth for the way he has behaved. However, it can also provide further proof of Unferth's incompetence as a warrior. Because he is scared to fight himself, he passes on his sword to Beowulf. Beowulf answers Unferth's words of envy with his side of the story. He says that Unferth is drunk and obviously knows nothing about the competition. Continuing, Beowulf explains that he won the contest despite the heavy attack by sea-monsters. From this story, we see further proof of Beowulf's supernatural powers. The competition occurs during the winter in the freezing water, yet Beowulf is able to swim for five nights armed with a heavy sword, in full armor and mail . When the battle is over, Beowulf finds himself on the shore lying next to nine sea monsters that he killed with his sword and modestly attributes his victory to both courage and fate. His comment that, " Fate often saves an undoomed man when his courage is good" (Norton p. 34) shows his belief that 'Fate' will forever govern him and aid him as long as he is courageous.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Relationship Issues Essay -- International Relations, Japan, South Kor

Different arguments and disagreements between countries can be found throughout our history on this Earth. A relationship that is lesser known to a lot of people is the relationship between the two Asian countries, Japan and South Korea. Japan and South Korea are two countries that are trapped by their past that they share with each other and have shared for more than thirty-five years. Although the two countries are slightly similar when it comes to manners and other different aspects, they are also very different in cultures and beliefs. Different cultures and different beliefs are not the only reasons that are keeping Japan and South Korea apart though. Their history is the largest reason the Japan and South Korea do not have a strong relationship with one another. Japan and South Korea have a long history. A history of colonial rule and lack of trust in Japan, South Korea chooses not to ally itself with Japan and to not trust in Japan. Although the two countries have been workin g on stabilizing their relationship, they still need to overcome some issues and their past. South Korea may never learn to get past their long relationship with Japan, but they may be able to work around it. Japan and South Korea's unstable relationship could be improved by sharing their different cultures more or through a military alliance with each other. Japan and South Korea's relationship is known as a "quasialliance" (Cooney 9). South Korea and Japan are both allies with the United States, but Japan and South Korea still remain unallied to each other. Japan and South Korea still maintain an unstable relationship that could be improved drastically. They still have yet to overcome their differences and forget their past. Although the two count... ...ver people may go and whenever they may happen. Some consequences may occur but many benefits are also possible as well. Japan and South Korea have the potential to become allies. If they were to become allies they would become an extremely strong force in the Asian world. The process may take some time but eventually the two countries would be able to see eye to eye on certain issues regarding North Korea and other important matters. They may become allies through the culture the two already share with one another, or maybe they could become allies economically through the business relationship they have. North Korea and the United States might even play a role in the two countries becoming allies. Whatever the reason, Japan and South Korea can become allies. Both countries, Japan as well as South Korea, would both benefit by becoming allies with one another.

Inequalities and Discrimination of Women In The Workplace

In countries such as Brazil, Bangladesh, Cyprus, Macao, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore, women earn 60 percent less than what men earn (256). Although U. S. figures aren†t as extreme as these, women face discrimination in the workplace. In 1999, women held only 5. 1 percent of top executive management positions, and only 3. 3 percent of companies† highest paid workers were women (256). The term glass ceiling is used to describe the situation in which qualified women aspire to fill high positions but are prevented from doing so by the invisible institutional barriers (256). Discrimination of women in the workplace is a result of men†s power and their reluctance to give up resources and their control over women and can be summed up for women of corporate America by looking at four categories. First, the quality of women†s work tends to be undervalued. Frequently, studies asking participants to assess a piece of work have found that it is evaluated less favorably when said to have been done by a women than when the same piece is attributed to a man (257). Although the tendency to favor a man†s work is not always found, when differences in evaluation are found they tend to favor men. Further, women†s successes tend to be attributed to â€Å"luck†, and competent women are sometimes described as â€Å"unfeminine†. Society†s distrust in women†s abilities results from the stereotypical roles which label women as less assertive and expert than men. A second form of discrimination of women in the work place involves making unjustified assumptions about women†s values. Whereas men are assumed to have values that tend to perpetuate the system, women†s values are assumed to challenge it. Felicia Pratto and her colleagues conducted a study testing the status of the positions for which men and women were most likely to be hired. They found that women were favored to fulfill hierarchy-attenuating jobs (jobs that seek to change the system or improve the lot of people who have been marginalized); men, on the other hand, were favored for the hierarchy-enhancing jobs (which maintain and strengthen the status quo). This was true even when applicants† resumes violated the stereotypes associated with men and women (I. e. men†s career history that indicated they were â€Å"attenuators† and women†s which indicated they were â€Å"enhancers†) (258). The work place is made especially difficult for women with children. Up until the 1970s, pregnancy or the potential for pregnancy was used as a justification for discrimination in the U. S. , allowing employers to routinely force women to leave their jobs or take unpaid leaves (259). Women were even excluded from jobs because they might get pregnant. Looking at current issues, however, the U. S. does not hold any government provision for paid maternity leave for female workers, often causing mothers to bear an economic cost which is not borne by fathers (260). Even when discrimination against mothers is not formal, our culture†s work-family dynamics disproportionately affects women†s careers. Much more women than men have primary responsibility for child care. Working mothers are judged by their community according to how well they parent and work but particularly according to how dedicated they seem to be to parenting. Women, generally, are expected to alter their work commitments when children have problems and are more harshly judged for not doing so (261). A fourth and final aspect of discrimination against women in the U. S. orkplace lies in the notion that they do not have equal right as men to be employed. The U. S. situation is not as extreme as countries such as Russia and China, where many government bureaucrats and factory managers assert to anyone willing to listen that women belong at home, because in the U. S. such public pronouncements are likely to create an explosion of protests. Still, though, the perception that women†s household duties should come before their careers is widespread. Whereas men carry the obligation to earn an income and support their family, the nurturer role is assumed most important for women (260). A review of 21 studies showed that between 16 and 46 percent of the identified lesbians, gays, and bisexuals surveyed reported that they had experienced some form of employment discrimination, as discrimination against individuals of these sexual orientations is legal in most workplaces in the U. S. Also, researchers found that lesbian and bisexual women earn about 13 to 15 percent less than heterosexual women. This is in part because they are more likely to be working in the lowest-paying female-dominated jobs, but it also suggest the impact of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation (261). Understanding the circumstances that promote stereotyping and lead to discrimination of women in the workplace provides some clues as to how an organization could act to reduce them. Companies can make an effort not to isolate women in particular job categories. Company managers can avoid falling into the notion that specific jobs require â€Å"masculine† qualities by examining job-related assumptions. They can base judgments of whether workers should be hired or promoted on clear and concise criteria. Last, they can develop formal guidelines to be modeled and enforced by top-level management about how to avoid discrimination (265).

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Person Who Inspire Me the Most

Songsnumber-onesinglesAndre Hill September 30, 2010 3rd period The person that inspires me most is my mom. The reason I say this is because she’s a strong black woman and she stands independently facing all odds. She inspires me to be the best I can be and to always give my all in whatever I’m doing. Whenever I need something, all I have to do is ask and I know if it’s possible, she’ll provide it. It’s always been like that with her and not with just me, but all of my brothers. I think the reason we may act uncivilized when dealing with authority is because we know we have a mother who’ll bail us out 9 times out of 10.If I didn’t have her, I would probably be a drop out because I wouldn’t have anyone in my ear telling me to get my grades up. My mom tells me what to do and she means just that. She has her flaws like every human does but they aren’t easy to spot in her. We’re not rich or close to it but from everythi ng I have you wouldn’t be able to tell. I never go without anything I need or in a lot of cases, anything I want. I know she would give me her last dollar. For example†¦if my mom and I both wanted a candy bar and she only had two dollars on her, without a doubt she would buy it for me.She thinks of others before herself a lot and that could cause people to try to run over you but not with my mom. My mom is very smart and she pushes education to the max in my household. When I bring home bad grades I know it hurts her just as much as it hurts me, maybe a lot more actually. I always use manners and that’s because she tells me that education and respect will take me far in life. And that it would make people respect me. I want to be an R&B singer when I grow up and my mom tells me I can be anything I want to be.I don’t know if she really believes that or if she’s just saying it because it sounds good, but I know that that’s the kind of motivation I need. If I don’t have any support from anyone else, I know I’ll have some from her. I can count on my mom for anything. If I was to fall from a plane I’m willing to bet any amount of money my mother would be there to catch me, not letting a strand of my hair touch the ground. I’m not Andre Hill September 30, 2010 3rd period saying that she’s a body builder or anything like that. I’m just trying to explain the love she has for me in words.Her love makes me want to be like her and to treat my kids in the future the way my mom treats me. I want to be able to give that type of love to everyone. If the world had that type of love there would be no tears falling or violence. I try to make the right decisions to satisfy my mom and myself. I don’t want to put her thru anything that would cause her to hurt. . I mean she’s wonderful and I wouldn’t trade her for anything or anyone in the world. I love my mom to death and she ins pires me more than any celebrity or person in the past could ever do. Andre Hill

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Re-organization and Layoff- Issue Paper Essay

Problem Identification and formulation will be reviewed using the team discussion from Week 2. The paper will: Summarize the issue; Identify the problem; Explain why it is the underlying problem; Reflect on the group collaboration process in defining the problem; and Explain how a clearly defined problem could help to find the solutions. Summarize The Issue The problem presented in article by Bouw, Mismanaged Layoffs can go ‘Horribly Wrong, is the lack of proper and well-managed policy around employee lay-offs. Most managers are trained to handle a corporate crisis. Employers should approach any job losses with caution and always be respectful. Companies should consider whether job losses are necessary and the impact on operations internally, and how clients and contractors view it externally. Companies need to make sure they are following the law when it comes to laying off staff, including paying out severance as required by each province based on an employee’s years of service. (2013) Identify The Problem Some reasons that a company would look at reorganization and layoffs would be that the sales of that company have dropped below what they were projecting. To help with costs they may look at laying people off and then reorganizing the employees that are left to help ensure that the internal structure remains in tact to ensure that the company continues to run smoothly. Most companies see layoffs as a way to save money, however most times this is not the case due to the things that the company has to pay out to the employees that were let go. Alternatives to job cuts include transferring staff to other departments, using fewer contract workers, or cutting wages. Whether it’s a termination, where the employee’s job is eliminated, or a layoff, where the employee loses the job for a certain  period of time, a company’s handling of it can have consequences. Explain Why This is the Underlying Problem If sales are lower then expected there might be a bigger problem then just lying off people. However, that is definitely where you should start, but employers need to stick to the rules around termination and ensure the reasons are clear. The negative impact the event can have on employee morale, which in turn can hurt productivity. It’s traumatic to the remaining staff can create fear and resentment. To help manage the disruption, companies need to be compassionate and transparent about why the job losses occurred. If management handles it in a benevolent way it can boost their image as an employer, staff feel motivated and they don’t live in fear. Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation, By Jim Martin demonstrates, that after unsuccessful lobbying and failed negotiations aimed at saving jobs, the company planned for its first round of layoffs. The pink slips were to be distributed Monday, giving employees one-week notice of their layoff. GE Transportation, said about 50 employees was expected to retire instead of taking a layoff. While each retirement had the potential to spare one layoff, Duke said he didn’t try to influence anyone’s decision. In a statement from Erickson, the company acknowledged the significance of the job cuts. â€Å"We are taking this difficult step to meet an increasingly challenging marketplace that requires us to reduce costs and improve flexibility to maintain our competitiveness,† she said. â€Å"We understand how hard this action is for everyone affected, including families and the broader community.† She said the company is working closely with the state Department of Labor & Industry’s Rapid Response team to help employees who lose their jobs. (Martin, 2013, Page 1) Reflect On The Group Collaboration Process in Defining the Problem Effectively managing group decision-making has three requirements: (1) an appropriate leadership style, (2) the constructive use of disagreement and conflict, and (3) the enhancement of creativity. The most constructive type of conflict is cognitive conflict, or differences in perspectives or judgments about issues. In contrast, affective conflict is emotional and directed at other people. The dialectic goes a step beyond devil’s advocacy  by requiring a structured debate about two conflicting courses of action. The dialectic goes a step beyond devil’s advocacy by requiring a structured debate about two conflicting courses of action. Custom-made solutions are necessary, so the group must be creative in generating ideas. The leader of a decision-making body must attempt to minimize process-related problems. How a Clearly Defined Problem Could Help Find The Solutions The first stage in the decision-making process is to recognize that a problem exists and must be solved. Typically, a manager realizes some discrepancy between the current state (the way things are) and a desired state (the way things ought to be). Such discrepancies—say, in organizational or unit performance—may be detected by comparing current performance against (1) past performance, (2) the current performance of other organizations or units, or (3) future expected performance as determined by plans and forecasts. Recognizing that a problem or opportunity exists is only the beginning of this stage. The decision maker must dig in deeper and attempt to diagnose the situation. The following questions are useful to ask and answer in this stage. The â€Å"problem† may be an opportunity that needs to be exploited: a gap between what the organization is doing now and what it can do to create a more positive future. In that case, decisions involve choosing how to sei ze the opportunity. (Bateman, 2013, Page) Critical thinking plays a major role in the decision making process. Problem Identification and formulation aids in management’s ability find custom solutions using a creative generation. Reference Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2013). Management: Leading & collaborating in a competitive world (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Bouw, B. (2013, June 28). Mismanaged layoffs can go ‘horribly wrong’. The Globe and Mail, B.14. Martin, J. (2013, November 3). Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation. McClatchy — Tribune Business News, n/a.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Nightingale and the Rose

I like this story entitled The Nightingale and the Rose because the power of love shown by the nightingale is so amazing. The Nightingale willing to sacrifice himself for something he believed in, that why he had a great power to fulfill his dream to made a red rose flower for the student. The plot of the story is very simple. A young student thought that he was madly in love with the professor's daughter. He felt miserable because he could not find a single red rose in the whole garden to give to his love, and he knew that without the rose she would not agree to dance with him in the ball to be given by the prince the next day. The Nightingale overheard this and was deeply touched by what she believed was the expression of the young man's true love. So she decided to help the young man, but she was told that the only way to get a red rose in this cold winter was for her to build it out of her music and her heart's blood. The Nightingale of course also valued her life, but she was ready to lay down her own life for the happiness of the young couple. She therefore did what she was told to do. The next morning, the most beautiful red rose appeared, but the Nightingale was found dead under the rose-tree. Not knowing what it had cost to produce the rose, the student thought that he was very lucky to find this flower and he immediately plucked it and ran to the professor's daughter. The professor's daughter, however, turned him down because she had already agreed to dance with the Chamberlain's nephew who had given her precious stones. The student was very angry, so he threw the rose away and returned to his reading. This is a touching story of love, but not the love between the young student and the professor's daughter, because neither of them understood what true love is. The girl was interested only in power and money, and the young man, in what he considered practical. The only person who understood love, treasured love, and was ready to sacrifice her life for love was the Nightingale. For her love is eternal music, love is the most precious thing: even more precious than life itself, and true love is always in the giving rather than in the taking. The main theme of this story is love, in fact the young Student needs a red rose to conquer the girl he affirms he loves, even if at the end she doesn’t appreciate his act. This makes us understand two things: on the one hand, that love often brings sorrow, as happens to the tender Nightingale whose gesture of love is not understood by the silly Student. On the other hand, it is very difficult to distinguish between real, authentic love and a more superficial sentiment, and only a very sensitive person can appreciate the full value of this feeling. Besides there are other themes: ingratitude, because the Student is ungrateful towards the Nightingale, whose act of love he is too arid to grasp; generosity, because the altruist Nightingale sacrifices her life to help the Student and her sacrifice is actually wasted. As for the girl, she is not merely superficial but also vain and materialistic, as she loses all interest in the Student once she is promised something more ‘precious’ like the jewels of the Chamberlain’s nephew. This fairy tale is very incisive and, despite its apparent simplicity, leaves the reader with a clear moral message: it is important to remember that some people sometimes sacrifice their life or suffer to help others, but at the end they aren’t returned with the same emotional intensity and their actions are not even fully understood. This is a moral message that should be born clear in mind, in an age and period when most people appear to be interested only in their own welfare, without being able to look beyond their limited, subjective perspective, thus failing to see what or who is outside the borders of their very narrow egoistic world.

Friday, September 13, 2019

HRM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

HRM - Assignment Example Taking due note on the strategies focused on HR and training, a critical analysis of my workplace, i.e. Al Amal Complex for Mental Health in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia 2004, where I worked as a psychologist in the addiction section, will be conducted. Correspondingly, this essay will represent all those instances that indicated towards certain gaps existing in the above mentioned fields of HR and Training. In order to derive a succinct understanding about the importance of HR and Training, the essay will also take into account factors relating to organizational effectiveness that can be attained by way of inducing appropriate corporate training programmes in the healthcare workplace. In a similar context, the essay will also represent various reasons for which corporate training programs fail. Each of these reasons will be highlighted in a specific manner. In addition, the importance of Training Needs Assessment (TNA) in the overall context of HR will also be determined upon. Similarly, the essay will reflect certain strategies through which the effectiveness of a training program can be evaluated. All of these factors will share proper correspondence with that of the current HR situations persisting in the medical hospital with the intention to suffice the objectives in this paper. Reasons for Corporate Training Failure Corporate training is considered to be a very important aspect for ensuring proper improvement in the skills of the employees along with their continuous performance enhancement. This special type of training provides great aid in determining the employees’ job requirements and gaining greater efficiency in managing people within an organisational setting. In precise, as per the Human Resources Management (HRM) theory of the modern organisational behaviour, effective and continuous training leads to the development of highly productive as well as a unique set of skills within the employees that further helps them in delivering high-end organ izational results. Corporate training primarily comprises different functions, which reflect training on new company software, workshops, online training and leadership training among others (Mudler, 1995). However, these types of training do not necessarily provide high end results being largely dependent on various other factors including organisational design and structure of decision making prevailing within the workplace. This aspect can be provided with maximum amount of weightage when assessing the possible reasons behind organizations failing to meet the requirement of the employees through corporate training (Mudler, 1995). Failure of corporate training programs may very well be related my experiences, when I worked in Al Amal Complex for Mental Health in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia 2004, as a psychologist in the addiction section. The hospital in which I was working did not consider training to be a part of HR, which I believe to have been the major reason for corporate failure in that unit. With the head office controlling the training processes within

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Employment Law (Human Resource) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Employment Law (Human Resource) - Essay Example It may also include interference in the formation or creation of the labor unions and the discouraging or encouraging the laborers from their involvement in the labor unions. If the employer refuses to bargain with a particular group of chosen employee representative, then also it may be said that the employer is having unfair practices with the laborers. But the Act does not give the power to the National Labor Relation Board take up cases which involve real estate brokers, domestic workers, agricultural employees, family workers, church-run schools and government employees. Thus the Labor Relations Act is meant for the benefit of the Laborers and not the employees. On the other hand the Taft-Hartley Labor Act of 1947, which was passed by the US Congress, and which is officially known as the Labor Management Relations Act, was sponsored by the Senator Robert Alphonso Taft and the Representative Fred Allen Hartley. The Act was the Amended version of the Labor Relation (Wagner) Act of 1935. The main provision of this Act had is that it has brought about newer means of controlling labor disputes by the enlargement of the National Labor Relations Board. It had also included the provision that before any employer or the labor union terminates the agreement of collective bargaining; it has to serve a notice to the other party and that also in a government mediation service. Another provision of the Act is that it has prohibited the jurisdictional strikes and the boycotts of secondary nature. But the Act has clearly declared that it does not extend its provisions to the wild cat strikes. It also made the closed shops outlawed and only gave permission for the union shop when majority of the employees had voted for it. The Act retained most of the collective bargaining provisions that were there in the earlier Act. But it had added in its provisions that before a union use the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fallacy Burden of Proof Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fallacy Burden of Proof - Essay Example Time and again the expression 'fallacy' is applied to assign some mistake whatever it is, but is maltreatment. Logic is occasionally mentioned as the capacity to rationalize accurately, but it is more appropriately described as the appraisal of the connections between declarations that are frequently given with the purpose of proposing a line of reasoning. Regulations of conjecture characterize appropriate derivability, that is, they assign the kinds of reports that may be derived from particular given kinds of statements. Usually the concluding statement is named as the conclusion, and the others are called premises. To state an argument or reach a conclusion that appears, on superficial examination, to follow these rules of inference but that actually breaks them is to commit a fallacy. 'Argumentum ad ignorantiam' denotes "Reasoning as of unawareness". This type of fallacy takes place there has been reasoning about truthfulness of something only on the ground that no one could evidence it as wrong. On the other hand, if an argument is made about falseness of something simply because it could not be confirmed as correct. For instance, accepting any holy book as true only on the ground you cannot prove it other way. Moreover if somebody says that there is no existence of telepathy as nobody has provided evidence. Within systematic examina... n an occurrence is recognized to turn out a particular proof of its incidence so the lack of that particular proof may dependably be utilized for concluding the non occurrence of that event. (Methew, 1997) Shifting the Burden of Proof The 'shifting of Burden of Proof' is a specific instance under 'Argumentum ad ignorantiam' and is usually over the individual making a statement. In other words we can say that it is a type of fallacy where the burden of proof is put on the individual who contradicts or interrogates about that statement. This type of fallacy is based on the postulation that any statement is regarded as true if there is no evidence to prove it wrong. (Methew, 1997) As stated by Bailenson and Rips (1999) while making arguments intimates put forward declarations and endeavor to support them with established confirmations. The legal structure in USA entails regulations administering 'the burden of proof' with potential conclusions based on proofs. Such as, that a person being not in attendance for around eight consecutive years and not being informed throughout this period can be accepted as deceased. In this case the burden of proof lies on group making effort to confirm that individual as living. Even though, law provides more than one denotations for the burden of proof, related regulations usually resolve the default result if there is no more proof for the concerned issue is expected. An associated example of burden of proof is frequent in political an educational field where the party having the burden of proof has to be defeated by default except additional confirmation comes out in its backing. Thus in terms of law, the burden of proof is apt to shift during an argument. On one occasion if a party completed its burden through providing persuasive

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ardley, Neil et al. Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ardley, Neil et al. Music - Essay Example On audience participation, the performers gave signs to the audience to join them especially at the chorus part of the song. This they achieved by signaling their audience using their hands to join along, or by turning the microphone towards the audience(Ardley et al, 82.). The audience in turn picked up the meaning of the gestures and sang along. At times they would simply tell the audience to sing along which they did. When introducing a new song to the audience, the group first taught the audience the song lyrics and rhythm before singing it. They would then start by singing the song in a slow tempo, and increased it gradually as the audience learned the song better. The 2014 One Direction documentary Where we are talks about the rise of the One Direction from the X factor all the way to the San Siro stadium performance which was one of their peak moments in their music career. This documentary reveals to us what it took to make this music group successful. They relate their success to their audience. In this documentary they talk about planning on their shows prior to performance, and proper rehearsals to get used to the performance and prevent any awkward situations while on stage.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Professional Development PD Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Professional Development PD Plan - Assignment Example The researcher will begin with the statement that he chose the career of a project manager where his professional development plan proved out to be very helpful. The role of the project manager is different from a functional manager. It is not effective only to apply best practices, skills, and knowledge to project management. Rather, project manager requires having certain managerial and interpersonal abilities to pursue a project successfully. Having a positive attitude towards others and mutual respect for each other are essential features of professionalism. Being project manager, being professional is very important. The author is given a specified time and amount to spend on a project. At a time, there are a number of projects to be dealt with. Professionalism requires careful handling and management of all the projects taking care of the cost and time. The researcher has to make a list of all the tasks at hand. Make sure that every project is going on schedule. When he has to procure resources or delegate responsibly, he does it in an authoritative and professional way keeping my emotional self away from the self at a job. In meetings, the author has to reach before time and if in some cases he has to reach late, he informs the attendants beforehand to avoid inconvenience. The author believes the sense of responsibility and timeliness of project manager is very important because all the people working under me will copy me and become irresponsible if the boss is irresponsible.... I had to work for longer than working hours, keep track of all the activities of workers and I had to be patient in handling them. Sometimes the work needed to be done from scratch again; it required my lot of stamina and patience. Being a successful project manager not only requires the depth of skills of project management, but also managerial capabilities and people management skills. I had to assign different projects to different workers; I had to keep this thing in mind that which worker is good at what? I did not assign projects randomly, rather I had to keep this thing in mind that efficiency can be maximized in a team if members’ strengths and weaknesses are complemented by each other. If a worker is good at recordkeeping, I will assign the transactional work to him rather than giving the actual construction work and ending up with a faulty structure. Working professionally requires to be good at communication skills, to manage time effectively and to take notes of th e critical points. Part 2 My PD plan was very useful in my self-analysis and I got a chance to explore my strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses identified through PD plans were very critical and needed to be improved to become successful project manager. I tried my best to improve my skills and be a responsible project manager by utilizing my potential and capitalizing on my strengths. It was not an easy task I had to work really hard for improvement. As a result of my PD plan, I found out that my communication skills were not effective. I needed to increase my listening capability and make myself able to convince others by explaining my ideas. It was my week area which I got to know as a result of my

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Best Lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Best Lesson - Essay Example An excellent model suchs as the CALLA model enables learners to approach instructional paradigms from a well-grounded and a critical standpoint. The strategy of teaching English as a Second Language for university students usually begin with a theoretical background that explains and justifies the premises of the instructional approaches to be presented. This practice helps the mastery of the important theories and helps acquire practical strategies for effective classroom teaching. The best lesson in the online module provide its learners with a principled set of instructional tools for teaching English to learners of English as a Second Language. I rated the CALLA Model of Ana Chamost and Michael O'Malley with a perfect grade of 10 out of 10 as the best lesson among the three lessons which were presented. The major reasons for this high rating are the CALLA Model considers the development of effective instructional skills for the teachers and it relies on a clear realization of the fundamental precepts that guide the teachers' prevailing beliefs and practices. In this model, the teachers take into account a variety of approaches, several underlying assumptions, and the specific practices that their teaching philosophy inspires. (Yates & Muchisky, 2003). The best lesson is that of the CALLA Model of Ana Chamot and Michael O'Malley which integrated grade level content, language and strategy instruction. The two researchers found that the group of ESLs identified by their teachers were very successful as they utilized a variety of strategies and were conscious as to the why to use, when to use, how to use and why the specific strategies were being used.This research led to the CALLA model or Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (Chamot and O'Malley, 1994) that integrates grade-level content, language, and strategy instruction. The three strategies included in the CALLA approach are metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social affective strategies. In this model, the students use the new information and skills they learn. The teaching and learning approaches encompass collaboration, inquiry, problem-solving and hands-on experience. These strategies are used by teachers when they predict, organize, evaluate, infer, question and summarize. The teachers of English learners need to be explicit in teaching these strategies. Students should be taught the declarative knowledge of the strategy. Then students should be given the strict procedural knowledge on how to use the strategy. Once the declarative and procedural knowledge are clear, students are then taught the conditional knowledge or when and why it would be appropriate to use the strategy. (Paris, Cross and Lipson, 1994).I gave the second lesson which is on interaction a grade of 8 out of a grade of perfect 10. I fully agree that interaction between students and teachers is necessary for English learners to help them develop their reading and speaking skill s for the language. However, I do understand that some English learners in developing countries may not have had the

Disease and health Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Disease and health - Case Study Example This paper, therefore examines certain aspects and issues in sexually transmitted diseases by trying answer the question on the extent sexual contact has played in the spread of STDs by looking at the keys issues affecting the topic, possible future scenarios and offering various interventions measures that can be applied in solving the issues (Shoquist & Stafford, 2004). Sexually transmitted diseases remain the most dangerous and prevalent health issues affecting many individuals especially youths in our society today. The society has taken a large stance in promoting abstinence in key issues related to sexual activities in the society. The results has however been drastic because the failure of explaining issues on the topic of sex has led to key issues which contributes to the spread of the sexually transmitted diseases among youths and the society at large. This has been caused as result of the sensitive nature of the topic as many individuals engage in sexual activities therefore finding it difficult to openly discuss the topic amongst themselves and to the younger generations in particular (Greenwood, 2012). The different issues affecting the spread of sexually transmitted diseases are biological factors. STDs are known to be acquired by having unprotected sex with an infected partners and due to the fact that majority of STDs do not show symptoms at early stage, many of those who are infected can not tell that they need medical treatment. Moreover for those who are not infected it becomes extremely difficult to identify those with the infections. In relating to the issue of gender disparities, women constitute a large percentage of those suffering from complex sexually transmitted diseases than men. This is normally so because of the severity of the effects of STDs on them. Likewise, in relating to age disparity issue, youths are the ones prone to contact sexually disease more than adults because of the numerous sexually partners they have. In

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Nintendo, sony, video game case Essay Example for Free

Nintendo, sony, video game case Essay The video game industry has gone through six generations of consoles, and the seventh is now underway with new consoles from Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Atari led the first generation of the video game industry. They were able to create the first home video game Pong in 1972, and they were the first to develop the interchangeable cartridge and the joystick. The creation of the interchangeable cartridges allowed for third party independent video game developers to enter the market. Atari failed to develop a system that controlled who could develop games for Atari consoles, so the company eventually failed when low quality games created by independent developers flooded the market and caused prices to plunge. Nintendo was able to become the leader of the video game industry in the next generation by entering licensing agreements with third-party game developers and by instituting a â€Å"Seal of Quality† policy where no game could be published without Nintendo’s approval. Nintendo’s success with developing popular in-house games like Super Mario Brothers also contributed to their success in the second generation. However, Nintendo let Sega enter into market and take over as the next leader in the industry when Nintendo mistakenly delayed the release of their 16-bit console to avoid cannibalizing sales of the 8-bit console. Sega took advantage of Nintendo’s mistake by offering lower prices for their new console and games. Sony took control from Sega as the leader in the video game industry from 1988-2005 by targeting more mature audiences for their video games and being the first to install DVD-playing capability and Internet connectivity in the consoles. However, Nintendo was able to take over the lead in the most recent generation from â€Å"forward looking† Microsoft and Sony by being able to attract demand from younger and older audiences. This has caused Sony to reevaluate their strategy for the upcoming new generation of video game consoles. Sony’s target market has traditionally been core gamers, Males aged 14-34. The Wii, while popular with a wide audience, was unpopular with this core demographic because it did not feature the games core gamers loved like Grand Theft Auto and Halo. The Playstation brand is strong because it’s the most powerful system available with the best graphics and games that core gamers love. The poor sales of the PS3 thus far are attributable to Microsoft’s first mover advantage and release delays, similar to Nintendo’s problems in the 16-bit generation. Now that the PS3 has been released, Sony can make its push towards industry leadership by focusing on this core demographic, offering exclusive games, and using its superior graphics and system power as a competitive advantage over Microsoft. While games for more mature audiences should be Sony’s focus, they cannot ignore the expansion of the video game industry into new demographics. However, marketing the PS3 too heavily to these new audiences could dilute the PS3’s cool factor to core gamers by casting it as something their grandparents can play. The Wii has already captured the cool factor for non-typical gaming demographics, and pushing the PS3 in this direction would alienate its core users. Instead, Sony should allow third-party developers to create games for younger audiences so that the younger siblings and kids of core gamers will not be left out on the PS3, but avoid focusing marketing campaigns for the PS3 on these new demographics. This would make the console inclusive for new demographics, but avoid alienating core users while pushing for dominance in the core gaming market. Sony should also continue to move the PS3 towards being a digital living room hub. The Xbox 360 is marketed as an all-encompassing living room experience that replaces the need for movie and music players, and sometimes PCs. Not recognizing this shift in how consoles are used in the home would be harmful to the PS3, and they could lose buyers based not on their video game experience but because it is lacking digital hub features that are becoming basic. Sony should expand their living room experience by allowing third party downloadable apps that add on to the digital hub, and take advantage of Blu-Ray’s industry victory by packaging the system with movie discs. Sony can regain its industry lead by becoming the go-to console for core gamers and pushing for games that are inclusive of all demographics. This can be accomplished by heavily marketing the system as the most powerful system on the market while offering an extensive catalog of games, especially their exclusive game catalog.