Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bis245 Week 5 Lab - Er Diagram and Er Matrix/ Homework-Aid

BIS245 Week 5 Lab - ER Diagram and ER Matrix Click Link Below To Purchase: A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-5A B. Lab 5A of 7 : Database design using Visio, and based on data requirements and business rules focusing on normalizing data to third normal form. C. Lab Overview--Scenario/Summary: TCO(s): 2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool. Scenario: You have been asked to create a database model using the MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience normalizing the database to third normal form based on limited instructions, data requirements, and associated†¦show more content†¦b. One of the issues in denormalized data is that it can result in many-to-many relationships that are not compatible with the relational database. Visio does not allow creation of a many-to-many relationship because of this incompatibility. Therefore, for any many-to-many relationships in your data, you will need to create two one-to-many relationships. See the example below:Page 4 of 5 c. Based on the information from Step 1, create the initial ERD for the College Scheduling database including the many-to-many relationships. If you need assistance to create the entities, refer to labs from Weeks 1 and 2. d. Assign the primary keys and attributes from the data requirements to the proper entities. e. Save the file as YourName_Lab5A.vsd. Step 3: Normalize the database a. While the initial ERD is accurate, if you design a database without deviating from it, you will encounter problems. For example, a course is offered many times. If you use the course code, for example BIS245, as the primary key, you will only be able to list the course once. There are three possible solutions. 1. Assign another primary key, such as an auto-number field, so that the course can be listed multiple times. However, this is not acceptable because it introduces redundancy rather than reducing it. 2. Use a composite primary key consisting of the

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