Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mental Illness And Crime Is Not Cause Crime And Violence

Conversations associating mental illness with extreme cases of violence have become, and continue to become, more and popular in the United States of America. Many people across the nation, and even in other countries around the world, are demanding answers to an outstanding number of questions. Why did these tragic events occur? Why do these tragic events continue to occur? Why is it that whenever a mass shooting occurs the suspect claims insanity? What is insanity? Are they telling the truth or is it just a cover up? Does mental illness really cause crime? There are so many questions all with varying supplementary scenarios however, I will focus on my belief that although mental illness does not cause crime and violence, it does contribute to it. I believe that the first and most important problem in this controversy is the lack of understanding what both mental illness and crime is. Robert Schug refers to both terms as â€Å"umbrella terms† in Stacy Mallicoat’s Crime and Criminal Justice: Concepts and Controversies (2016). Mental illness consists of numerous complex conditions that alters one’s state of mind with ranging severities and crime consists of varying levels of behaviors and actions that are against the law. The relationship that exists between mental illness and crime is not only crucial, but it is complex. When a crime is committed, ultimately the goal is for the offender to be rightfully charged and punished. But let’s say one who suffers from schizophrenia wasShow MoreRelatedMental Illness and Violent Crime1184 Words   |  5 PagesThe stereotype that goes hand in hand with mental illness that though seems to have improved over the years is still pervasive. Teplin, Abram McClelland (1994) state that people in general, believe that people with mental illness are more likely to commit violent crime with those without mental illness. 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